The First Day

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Sahasra's POV:
I am Sahasra. I did my medicine in my home country, India. Now I came to Russia for my master's. The college already started a week ago but I am 1 week late. I got ready and after my Pooja*( pray to God), I set out for college.

I reached the college. I was looking at the whole college standing in front of it. A group of few people (2 girls and 2 boys) came to me.
Them: Hi!
Sahasra: Hi!
Girl 1:I am Camilla, she is Rose and they are Alex and Roman.
Sahasra: I am Sahasra . You can call me Saha.
Rose: Where are you from?
Saha: I am from India.
Alex : Let's all go to the class together.
Saha: So, I've already got a small friends group?
Them: yeah!! We are all a small friends group. Let's go?
Saha: Oh but I want to look at the college first. You all can go I'll join you later.

With that they all left for the class, they gave the directions to class so I don't search for class later.
It has been 10 minutes and I was still roaming in the corridors. I saw library, I walking forward crossing the library door turning back and peeking through it. I bumped into someone and bounced back and was about to fall but a couple of hands caught me safe. I looked at the person I bumped into. It was a man, he had dark hair and ocean blue eyes, he was very handsome and so tall that my neck would hurt if I look at his eyes standing upright. I was lost looking at this man and then-
Him: Are you okay? Careful while you're walking.
Saha: Yes. Thankyou.
( I wonder who this man is)

Enough roaming I'll go to class now.
I entered the class looking for my new peers I met 10 minutes ago. I was searching and I found 4 hands waving at me, one of them waving vigorously, it's Camilla. I think she liked us being friends so much. I laughed inside to her cuteness. I wonder how young she is than me. Actually I was the youngest one in every class from childhood, guess that will end now , since Camilla acts younger and cute.

I reached the seat they preserved for me with all the new thoughts. I sat and we started chatting. They asked me about India and I asked them about Russia. It was all nice to find all new friends and new things.

Then, a familiar character entered the class, he's the one who saved me from the fall. Oh so he is a professor here!
I don't know why but I feel so dragged to the way he looks. Why am I looking at a professor, I've never felt so attracted to someone before?
I slid all my thoughts away as he started the class.
The class finished. It was fantastic. He has a great talent in teaching. I am not left with a single doubt.

Camilla : Hey! Someone is lost in thoughts. What is it?
Saha: What is the professor's name ?
Camilla: So you were thinking about him? His name is Romeo Ivanoy.
Saha: oh! Nice name.
Camilla: Saha! Are you crushing already?
Saha: what? No. I just felt his name's so unique. Let's leave this already.
Camilla: okay (*smirking)

The day's over. We baded byes. I went to my room. I am not used to being alone, so I feel so new. I didn't know what to do alone so I called my parents and talked for 2 hours straight with them. I cooked something and went to bed.
Romeo Ivanoy huh?
Wait why am I thinking about him?
I kicked my blanket a few times and tried to sleep hugging my pillow tight.

Romeo's POV:
My job as a professor is done for the day. I came back to my mansion, took a bath and was relaxing for a bit before hopping into my real job--
And then someone knocked on the door.
Someone: Boss?
Romeo: come in Lucus.
It is Lucus, one of my men.
Lucus: Boss! We found Jack. He was hiding in an old banglow.
Romeo: Good! Kill him.
Lucus: But boss? Aren't you giving him a second -?
Romeo: No! Anything gets a second chance but not betryal. Kill him.
Lucus: okay boss.
Jack worked for me for 2 years. He made a deal with my enemy group to sell all the information he knew in these 2 years. It was not that important but not to be leaked. So I had to kill him.

I am Romeo Ivanoy, the leader of the most powerful mafia group, the Ivonoy clan and a simple teacher in the morning. I lost both my parents when I was 18 and took over the clan and I made it the most powerful and feared group.
It is 1 am now. I just finished my dark night job for the day. I took a bath again since I was there when Jack is being killed. I can't tolerate betrayal and I made it clear for all the other men working for me showing Jack as an example. I feel so relieved now. I was laying on the bed after changing, trying to sleep.

Sahasra, Sahasra Sharma huh?
I got her name from attendance this morning.
Is she who I think she is?

I can't..... I have to find out. I called Lucus.
Lucus: yes boss?
Romeo: Lucus. Get me some details about this girl, Sahasra Sharma from India studying in the college I teach.
Lucus: Okay boss. Anything else?
Romeo:  Do it quiet and quick.
Lucus: Right boss.

Who is she? She looks so ordinary but why do I feel like she is something else that nobody knows. I fell asleep with all these thoughts. I want to know more. This is all bothering me but why do I want to be bothered? Why do I feel this good?

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