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Saha's POV:

I was blankly staring at the sealing. No knocks, no calls from the door. "We just shared feelings. Wait- I didn't tell him that I love him. When should I tell him? When will he tell me? Should I just wait until he tells me first. No! Enough ego issues. This time I will do it first."


"Why isn't he calling me to his room?"

Romeo's POV:

"It was so nice to be reunited.Wait- I didn't tell her that I love her. I'll tell her now. What if she's sleeping? I'll take her to a nice place and tell her." Why isn't she coming here yet?Still she wants to sleep separately ? Maybe she isn't comfortable sleeping together yet. Okay let's give her time."

I took a book from the night stand and started reading. I heard a knock on the door. Could it be Lucus? Did I assign any work to him? I went and opened the door. It is my babygirl! She brought a little pillow and her blanket with her. Her blanket is covering her head and face. I can't see her face. She looks cute like this. *(Chuckles internally)

Saha: I. The rain. Th-thunders..... Sleep-
Romeo: look up Darling.
Saha:*(looks up but no eye contact. She is shy)
Romeo: look into my eyes.
Saha: *(eye contact) ( what am I shy about? He is mine. I can say anything I want.) I want us to sleep together.
Romeo: come on in then. *(Lifts her up and takes her to the bed)
Saha: I can walk.*(Shy)
Romeo: I can carry you.
Saha: Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Romeo: same goes for you too.*(Places her on the bed)
Saha: (I want to win in atleast one conversation. He doesn't let me win. He has answers ready for everything.) you read books before sleeping?
Romeo: only sometimes.
Saha: (the situation is getting awkward. I am not getting any words to speak.) you done reading the book?
Romeo: why do you ask? You have other plans for tonight?
Saha: *(blushes) I don't. Won't you stop teasing me even now?

I went close to her face, just brushed our lips and returned back.

Romeo: This is teasing. Don't use the tease word darling. I have different meanings for it. I won't be decent if you use it again.*(Smirks)
Saha: stop that!!!*(Blushes hard)
Romeo: I see a red tomato.*(Laughs)
Saha: stop!!!
Romeo: okay. What else do you want me to do?
Saha: don't you have work now?
Romeo: I'm on my day off today.
Saha: night off, you mean, because you are a mafia at night.
Romeo: yeah, I am on my night off.
Saha: mafias too have it?
Romeo: yeah. Cuddle?
Saha: sure

We slept cuddling. I love it. She is so soft and spongy.
Romeo's POV:

It is 7.00 in the morning. My babygirl is sleeping on me. She is sleeping on her belly. Her hands are on the bed, body on me and her face is under my face to the side at my neck. Her lips are lightly brushing my neck. It's like teasing. I'd like it if her lips kissed my neck. I adjusted her head and put her lips in contact with my neck. That's when I felt a pain. She bit me?

Romeo: ow!
Saha: Painful?
Romeo: a little. But I like it. Do it again.
Saha: such things happen only when I want to do.

She woke up and sat by taking support pushing my chest with her hands. She sat on my stomach -her legs on either sides of me and I am still lying. She tied her hair. "Her, tying her hair sitting on me- it was wonderful to watch. I want to kiss her immediately."
I sat up. She is on my lap now- both her legs on either sides of my thighs. I leaned in to kiss her. She leaned back. I was confused. Why is she resisting? I slid my hand round her waist and held her firm.
I leaned in again to kiss her. This time she put her hand between. I kissed her hand and moved it. She put another hand. I kissed it too and moved it. Now she put both her hands. This time I held both her hands, locked them behind with my hands and aimed my lips onto her's. Now she turned her head.

Romeo: Babe!!!?? What's wrong?
Saha: Brush your teeth daddy.
Romeo: seriously? *(Disappointed)
Saha: why so sad? Go fresh up and get nicely dressed. I kiss you then.
Romeo:but if you change your thoughts later.....*(About to warm)
Saha: I will, if I like your outfit.
Romeo: but I only wear formals.
Saha: that's fine. I like them.

I went to my room to freshen up and he hurried to freshen up too because he wanted the kiss.
I got ready and was sitting in the living room. He came down, to the living room. He approached me.

Romeo: My kiss.
Saha: You wore black?
Romeo: yeah so?
Saha: go wear a white shirt first.
Romeo: ugh. Fine.*(Goes back to bedroom)
Saha: *(evil Snickers)

He went back, changed into a white shirt and came.

Romeo: my kiss.
Saha: you were more handsome in black. Go change.
Romeo: you are playing. Give me my kiss first.
Saha: no go change first . No more playing, I'll kiss you definitely this time. I promise. Now go.
Romeo: *(goes back stomping.)

He changed into black and came again.

Saha: The white one-
Romeo: stop. Don't you dare tell me to change again.*(Frustrated)
Saha: *(evil smile) GO CHANGE.
Romeo: you....

He lifted me up, sat on the couch with me in his lap.

Romeo: what were you saying?
Saha: The white one was also good. So go change again.

He put his hand on my waist and started tickling. It's my ticklish spot.

Saha: stopp!!! *(Laughs)
Romeo: what happened to 'go change'?
Saha: I am sorry. *(Laughs and gives a little peck on his lips.)
Romeo: Good girl. But not enough.

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