Aye ma'am

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Romeo: I have wanted to do this for a longer time. Too bad this is only happening in dreams. Another dream.
Saha: (He isn't fully conscious. He thinks this is a dream too. Eww, why are your dreams?) wake up , you aren't dreaming.
Romeo: *(still not concious)
Saha: *(slaps) wake up. Get off me.
Romeo: *(completely concious) oh shoot! I am sorry.
Saha: what are your dreams? You told that you wanted to do this for a long time.
Romeo: I am sorry. I can't tell you. You are under-age to know them.*(Smirks)
Saha: *(gash) gosh! Stop ! You can't have such dreams.
Romeo: who said that?*(Leans in to whisper) I am allowed to have any kind of dreams about you.
Saha: aaahhh! Stop all this. Go fresh up. I cooked something for you.
Romeo: you cooked for me? Wow! Can't wait to eat.
Saha: Then come quick.
Romeo: Aye ma'am.

He went into the bathroom to fresh up.
"What kind of dreams is he having every night? Oh my god! He is so wild. Under-age? Who is he Calling that? I am 21." *(Blushes)
He came out. He only has a towel wrapped around him and that too only up to his knees. His abs are so clear. I am a big fan of abs. This guy is not too much bulky not too lean, just like the way I like. Handsome. I just kept on staring at him.

Romeo: darling, you are drooling*(wipes her mouth)
Saha: what? I am not.
Romeo: you are.
Saha: I am not. Stop it. I made you breakfast. Go change and come.
Romeo: Aye ma'am.

He went inside changed into black formals. He came out.

Saha: why are you wearing formals?
Romeo: why? you want me to be shirtless or not wear anything?
Saha: Aaaahhhh! I didn't mean anything like that. Nevermind. Don't answer.
Romeo: *(chuckles) my food!!

I passed him the food. He finished it all.

Romeo: Not bad.
Saha: Thankyou. Give the plate to me.
Romeo: you don't have to. It's okay.
Saha: let me do, please.
Romeo: I told you,it's okay.
Saha: LET ME. *(Shoots a deadly glare.)
Romeo: (woah!! is that a glare. I never thought she could give such deadly expressions. I thought her glares would be the cutest things to watch. Not bad babygirl) Aye ma'am.*(Smiles to himself)
Saha: what are you smiling at?
Romeo: nothing.
Saha: TELL ME. *(Glares again)
Romeo: (oh my! She looks awesome with that expression. I want to watch more of this.) Well, I was smiling at your cutesy.
Saha: do I look cute to you now?
Romeo: you look ONLY cute to me.
Saha: ugh. Whatever.

I took the plate and went down. I cleaned the dishes. I love living here rather than that previous room I lived in. Everything in this kitchen is arranged according to my convenience. He has my type of thoughts.
I am in the bedroom now, combing my hair. I was singing a song -

Saha: Darling can I be your favourite🎵🎵
Romeo: why ask? Ofcourse you are.
Saha: that's a song.
Romeo: I know. And your new 'personal' room is ready.
Saha: that's not 'personal'. I just wanted a separate room.
Romeo: that's what you call 'personal'.
Saha: whatever. Can I see it now?*(Beems)
Romeo: sure. Come on.

The room is just opposite to his bedroom. We went inside. It gave all the girly vibes. Cute little things packed inside gave me a cosy vibe.

Saha: wow! How cute. I like it.
Romeo: really.
Saha: yeah. Thanks.
Romeo: I don't want thanks. I want hugs.
Saha: you should not expect such things yet.
Romeo: YET?
Saha: (shoot!)*(blushes) you should not expect such things.
Romeo: what does YET mean?
Saha: nothing. Leave it.
Romeo: I'll leave it if you give me a hug.
Saha: no.
Romeo: then what does YET mean then?
Saha: gosh! Just go.
Romeo: I'll go if you promise to give me a hug later.
Saha: no.
Romeo: then I am not leaving.
Saha: fine. I'll hug you later.
Romeo: later when?
Saha: later-later.

I pushed him out with a lot of effort. Now that he is gone I can explore this room and see what he's done.
I explored the room. There's a closet room in here too. "Finally no bursting in while Changing. Now I need to bring my things and organise them properly."

I went to the opposite room. I knocked on the door since I have manners - "you get that Mr.Romeo Ivanoy." No one responded.
"Now that I think about it, it has been 2 hours since he showed me the room. We didn't see eachother after that."
I opened the door and went inside. He is sleeping soundly. That's what the silence is all about. He is sleeping with his formals. I think he is so tired because of the cold. Weirdo, how can you sleep with them on you?  "Mr. Mafia man-sleeping peacefully because he has a cold."

I moved all my boxes silently, I don't want to disturb him. There is one more box, this box is important. It is my memory box. I've to take them carefully. I lifted the box up. The cardboard box opened from the bottom and all the photos fell. And the very important photo, it has a glass frame. It broke into pieces."it fell!! Shoot it Is broken. Oh He might wake up!." I looked at him, he is still sleeping peacefully. He is so tired,  the sound didn't wake him up. I brought a paper and started picking the pieces. "Ouch! I cut my finger. It is quite deep. Oh it stings." I picked the pieces with remaining fingers. All of my right hand fingers are cut now. I cleaned it. Now I shall clean this blood. The photo is so precious to me. How can I drop this? Tears started looking at the broken frame. I quickly preserved the photo and threw the glass pieces out. I cleaned the blood and silently went to my room.

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