Flash Back-2

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He carried me back to the dining room. I didn't leave his side from that day until they left. I only walked holding his hand. I always wanted him to lift me up and carry me everywhere he went.

Still 2 days for the 9th of February - my birthday. All business matter discussions were over on the first day. So they are still going to hang on for 2 more day. Our 2 families went on local trips. I only walked with Yoyo. I didn't allow anyone to touch him or talk to him."HE IS ONLY MINE." We went to the beach. He is the greatest sand castle builder. Our parents took so many photos of us together. Us building the castle together is my favourite photo.
It's finally my birthday. I am waiting for my wishes. My parents wished me first. I was waiting for yoyo's wishes. "Where is he?" I want to search for him but it is MY BIRTHDAY, HE SHOULD COME TO ME. I got ready and waited for him.

Finally, he came in to wish me. I am so happy to see him but I only showed my anger of him being late.

Yoyo: Happy Birthday *(sits in bed)
Baby Saha: thanks *(unbothered)
Yoyo: you are mad that I am late?
Baby Saha: *(silent)
Yoyo: I was late because THIS took time.*(Passes a present)

He gave me the box. I opened it. It was a photo in a glass frame. (The frame that broke now.) It is the prettiest frame with the prettiest photo. I wanted to preserve it forever.

Yoyo: this is yours. And this copy of the photo is mine. we'll keep it until we meet again.
Baby Saha: okay*(beems). I want to go to the beach today.
Yoyo: sure. We'll go.
We went to the beach. We made sand castles again- my favourite thing to do with him. We enjoyed a lot.
I didn't know that it was the last day we'd meet. They were boarding back that evening. I went to my room after knowing this. " I don't want him to go yet."

Someone knocked on the door. I didn't respond. It was Yoyo. He came inside. I was not talking anything. He patted my cheeks.

Yoyo: what happened?
Baby Saha: don't go yet.
Yoyo: we'll meet again.
Baby Saha: when?"(Starts crying)
Yoyo: don't cry. We'll meet again so soon.
Baby Saha: *(cries even more)
Yoyo: (*hugs her tight) I don't want to leave you too.
Baby Saha: (*hugs him back and kisses his cheeks)

We all went to the airport. I asked him to carry me until he left. He carried me all the way. He put me down and was about to leave. I grabbed his pants at knees.(Because that was my maximum height)

Baby Saha: I will find you if you don't come.
Yoyo: but I will recognise you first.*(Pecks her cheeks)

We hugged each other. They left.

Romeo's POV:

Saha: I waited for  years but we never met. So I decided to come to Russia for studies and find him myself. I could not find him. There was a moment when I felt you both were similar to eachother. Silly me.*(Cries)

She was crying the entire time when she was telling our story. She missed me so much. We should have met earlier. "I am sorry. I won't delay it anymore."

I took our photo from my pocket and showed it to her.

Saha: oh you cleaned it? Thankyou.(He cleaned the blood stains on my photo.)
Romeo: No.
Saha: what do you mean 'no'?
Saha: *(confused)
Romeo: *(cups her cheeks and comes closer) THIS ONE IS MY COPY.
Saha: *(eyes widened in shock and finally realised) y-y-you are .... !!!!!
Romeo: Yes.
Saha: you - Yoyo!!
Romeo: You found me just like you said.
Saha: Really. Don't prank me. This is a very serious issue.
Romeo: you don't believe me pumpkin, my pancake?
Saha: (Yoyo used to call me these whenever he felt that I was cute. I didn't mention these when I told the story. Does that mean--?)*(gasps by covering her mouth with both her hands)
Romeo: *(kisses her hands that covered her mouth.- an indirect kiss)

She removed her hands from her face, pulled my hoodie and kissed me- OUR FIRST KISS.  But She retreated back and slapped me.

Romeo: *(confused)
Saha: why haven't you told me?
Romeo: I wanted to play along for some more time.
Saha: you made me cry.
Romeo: and that's why I let you know now. I wanted to give you the satisfaction of finding me on your own.
Saha: but you yourself told me that you are yoyo. What did I find in this? I did nothing.
Romeo: no. I didn't. I just gave you a hint. You found it yourself.

She hugged me tight like she wanted to do this for a long time now.

Romeo: Our families were actually making alliances between our clans. That's why we came to india.
Saha: you knew that your family was involved in the mafia when you were 15?
Romeo: I did.
Saha: Cool. I have a question. What do I remember your name as Yoyo?
Romeo: oh that a cute story. Calling me Romeo was like a tongue twister to you. So you used to call me Yoyo. That's just one of your cutesy things.
Saha: so I thought your name was originally Yoyo and didn't even try asking my parents what your name was.
Romeo: yes.
Saha: had I asked them your name, we would have met early.
Romeo: no I liked it this way.

We talked for some time and told how we felt for each other. I told her that I felt the same feeling she felt for me the first time we met.
It started raining. We went back home. We are fully drenched. We went to our rooms to fresh up. I wonder where she is going to sleep now.

Saha's POV:
I am inside my new room now. I am so happy that I finally found him. Nothing felt wrong between us before because my heart has already recognised him.
Now the problem is- he gave me a new room when I asked him. But now I don't want this room. I want to be with him. Should I tell?

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