The escape

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' He just burst inside while I was changing. Did I ask him to help? Even if I did, he could have told me from outside. How can he walk in like that? This is it. I won't tolerate it anymore. It's a fight.'
I walked out of the closet and started shouting at him.

Saha: Professor, what do you think of yourself? How can you walk in while I was changing? Also this morning when I was talking to my father, he told me that you had feelings for me. Why do you have feelings for me? I've had enough.
Romeo: So you finally got to know, huh?

He is approaching me. I am stepping back as he is getting closer and closer. I reached the wall. He put both of his hands on the wall and started leaning in.

Saha: Professor.
Romeo: what?
Saha: move away.
Romeo: I'll move after answering your question. What is it again?
Saha: How can you come in while I am changing clothes?
Romeo: You are just a baby, so I came in to help you. Why don't you just assume me as your dad helping you?
Saha:  Because dads never do such things.
Romeo: Oh! Then what about 'daddy', huh?*(Smirking)
Saha:*(Very light blushing)
Romeo: Well, I told you that I'll tell you a good name to call me right? How about 'daddy'?
Saha: *(blushing rate increased)
Romeo: Go to bed. I am going out. I'll be back by 1.00 am.

He leaned in for a fore head kiss, but I nodded a 'no' with frowned eyebrows.

Romeo: *(chuckles) Cute. Good night.

He just patted my cheeks and left.
'I won't stay here anymore. Just wait until he leaves.'
It is 10.15 pm now. I was looking at my escape map and planning when to leave.
' He said that he would come back again at 1.00 am, then I should initiate my plan at 12.00am. Perfect! let's stick to this.'
I heard door knob sounds. That means he is coming in! I should act asleep. I pretended to be asleep, sleeping on my left side so I don't face him. 'Oh! I didn't notice, my shirt's gone up. It is exposing my skin.' I could hear his footsteps approaching, he sat on the bed behind me. He pulled my shirt down to cover the exposed skin. 'Such a gentleman. Eww! Shut up stupid mind. Don't give me second thoughts, I should escape tonight.' He leaned towards my ear-

Romeo: *(whisper) Smart! But too bad, I know that you are pretending. Good night Babygirl.

He left.
'Babygirl?! What a freak!' Now I should wait until it is 12.00 o clock.
I was playing zombie tsunami on my phone. The alarm rang. 'It is time. Be brave. Let's go.'
I stepped out of my room. The corridor is empty. I slowly got down the stairs. I took the map with me. I am following the path I planned. Finally I reached the backdoor after 15 mins, it was dark so I got confused and got delayed. I pushed out the backdoor and entered the garden. I sneaked out, hiding behind trees and walking slowly. The trees were planted in rows, 6-8 trees per row. 3 trees done,3 more to go to get out. I am happy that I am leaving this mansion. I heard a bird chirping. I turned back looking in the direction of sound thinking 'Bloodybird. Why are you chirping at midnight?' I should make it quick it's already 12.20. I walked forward and bumped into a wall. 'Ow my nose.'

Romeo: Sorry sweetheart.

I lifted my head to look up. It isn't a wall, it is freaking ROMEO IVANOY.

Saha: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!

I started running back but he caught my wrist. He pulled me back, I flew in air and landed in his arms. He is carrying me into the mansion again. I kept protesting. I didn't give him a chance to get a grip, I kept on moving like a worm. But he still managed to carry me inside.
He took me into his office. It has been 5 minutes since we came in, he is glaring at me. He isn't speaking anything.

Saha: Say something!!
Romeo: You needed paper and pen for this?
Saha: yes.
Romeo: Care to explain?
Saha: No. Why did you come in through the back door? Why didn't you use front gate? Why are you home early at all?
Romeo: Seriously? You are asking me that?
Saha: Nevermind.

He said nothing and started typing on his computer. His typing is so fast. He completed typing and printed it out. 'Woah! It's just been 10 minutes. How did he type 4 pages?' He walked towards me and put the papers on the desk.

Romeo: Wanna do something with paper and pen, crazier and easier than what you did?
Saha: What?
Romeo: Sign.
Saha: What is it?
Romeo: Read the heading.
Romeo: yeah. Sign.
Saha: I promise you that I will not do it again. Why these things? I am so sleepy. Good night.
Romeo: Sign or I'll kiss you.
Saha: Gosh! What's wrong with you?

I signed them. And left the office angrily.
There's Lucus Outside the room. He looked at me and said-

Lucus: Did you read the whole thing before signing ,angry miss?
Saha: No.But It's just a promise not to try escaping again.
Romeo: *(comes out) No it is definitely not, Angry little missy.
Saha: What do you mean professor?
Romeo: Nuh-uh. DADDY. You should call me daddy from now on and I'll be calling you babygirl.
Saha: Why do you think, I'll call you that huh?
Romeo: Because you signed that you will.
Saha: what?!( Snatches the papers from his hands)

I read the first page, it had nothing but a promise that I won't try escaping again. I turned page. On the second page, there were rules. I turned pages, they were all rules. 'What the heck?! How many rules are there? 143?.'

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