The long drive

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Romeo's POV:
I woke up. It is 5.00 in the evening now. I slept for 4 hours. "Was I that tired? Anyways, I have to go see my baby now."
I went into the bathroom, washed my face and came out. When I was going towards the door to go out, I felt something sharp under my feet. I bent down to see what it was. It is a tiny glass piece. How did this get here? I also saw a tiny drop of blood beside it. What is all this? The next thought I got in my mind was Saha. What did she do ? I went to her room and opened the door calmly.
She is crying? Why? She is talking to herself.
I slowly walked towards her.

Saha: I am so sorry. It is already the second time I dropped you down. I already failed to find you and now I am failing to protect you too.*(Cries even hard.)

She is sitting ,facing the opposite direction. So she doesn't know that I am in the room. She has our photo in her hands. The photo is a little bloody. Last time I saw it, it had a glass frame and it got a little cracked since it fell. "Wait, so these glass pieces were on the floor. Then that blood -
I turned her around and took her hands. She gasped as she wasn't expecting me to be there. She closed her fists and pulled her hand back. I didn't let go. Her face is all puffed from all the crying.

Romeo: SHOW ME.

She stopped resisting and opened her fists. Her right hand fingers have cuts. The blood is all dry. She didn't rinse off the blood. I twitched.

Romeo: what did you do to yourself? You should have woken me up.
Saha: *(silent)
Romeo: I'll bring band-aids.

I went down and brought a first aid kit, warm water with a clean cloth and also band aids.
I wiped the blood off her fingers. I treated her cuts and put on band aids.
I also wiped her face with a clean wet cloth.

Romeo: why didn't you wake me up when you cut your fingers? How careless can you be? You cut all your fingers.
Saha: I didn't want to wake you up. You are ill. *(Snuffles)
Romeo: I am not. I was just napping.
Saha: *(turns her face away- not interested in this discussion)
Romeo: you wanna talk about something?
Saha: not right now.
Romeo: go fresh up. We'll cook together today.
Saha: *(nods)
Saha's POV:
I took a bath and went down. He has already started cooking.

Saha: can I help?
Romeo: no. Come sit here.
Saha: but I want to help.
Romeo: what can you do with these fingers miss?*(Points her right hand fingers that are cut)
Saha: that's fine. I can. Can I cut these?*(Takes a knife)
Romeo: No touching sharp objects.*(Grabs the knife)
Saha: what?
Romeo: go to the TV room and watch your pending anime.
Saha: that's a good idea but I don't want to watch them now.


Saha: I am bored.
Romeo: Speak something.
Saha: what do I speak?
Romeo: Then ask me something.
Saha: what do I ask?
Romeo: seriously? If I ask you to answer. Will you ask me "what do I answer?"
Saha: *(Chuckles) do you believe in ghosts?
Romeo: no I don't. And you?
Saha: I do.
Romeo: what? Why do you think they exist?
Saha: nuh uh. I should be the only one asking questions here. If anyone has questions, they can shut their mouths.
Romeo: *(chuckels) you've got nice sence of humour.
Saha: It's the second time you told me that.
Romeo: oh you count my complements?
Saha: of course I always count any complements.
Romeo: why is that?
Saha: because I like it.
Romeo: great answer kid.
Saha: kid? You called me underage this morning. Wait you still didn't tell me what your dreams are?
Romeo: you really wanna know darling?
Saha: *(blushes and nods)
Romeo: they are just about kisses nothing more.
Saha: you are lying.
Romeo: no I am not. What else were you expecting? Huh? You dirty mind.*(Smirks)
Saha: who are you calling a dirty mind? Why would I expect anything that's dirty minded. I am so pure.
Romeo: keep telling yourself that.
Saha: stop teasing me.
Romeo: this isn't teasing at all. You know how I tease?

I was sitting on the kitchen table. He stopped cooking, came close to me. I was leaning back to maintain some distance but he is coming more and more closer. Now I am completely laid on the table on my back and he is leaning on to me. He placed all  his finger tips on my lips, plucked them out a little, removed them from my lips and kissed his finger tips. I am completely red now.

Romeo: this is what I call teasing.*(Smiles and Goes back to cooking unbothered)
Saha: *(gets up)I -I-I--I---
Romeo: you wanna go watch TV?
Saha: ye-yea-yeah

I got down the table. I walked towards the TV room looking back. "He is so wild." *(Blushes very hard)

He brought the food to the TV room. He fed me. We are done eating and cleaning. We headed to our rooms.
It is 10.00pm now. I don't want to sleep. I want to do something. I was staring at the door blankly. That's when I heard a knock on the door. "Who has the habit of knocking on the door in this house?" I went and opened the door. It is Romeo Ivanoy.

Saha: oh my. When did you learn to knock? Wow!
Romeo: oh I just learnt it all from you. Wanna go for a ride?
Saha: ride? Now?
Romeo: yeah. You don't like late night long drives?
Saha: I love them. I am coming. I'll change and come.
Romeo: No need. Just come like this.
Saha: okay. But you should wear a shirt. *(Giggles)
Romeo: seriously? I know.

He wore a hoodie and also a mask. I was wearing my long pyjamas. We went to the back gate. I saw a bike there.

Saha: are we going on a bike?
Romeo: yeah.
Saha: Awesome. Bikes are the best for long drives.
Romeo: hop on.

I climbed onto the bike. I like this feeling.

Romeo: shall we go?
Saha: yeah.
Romeo: Hold me tight.
Saha: okay*(hesitant)

He took both of my hands and wrapped my hand around his waist.

Romeo: okay?
Saha: okay. *(Blushes)

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