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Romeo's POV:
Romeo: Good girl. But not enough.
Saha: what do you mean 'not enough?' it is enough.
Romeo: No it's not. Let me take my dose
Saha: 'Dose'?*(Chuckles)

I moved her from my lap and laid her on the couch. I climbed onto of her. It became a passionate kiss. I heard a rumbling sound suddenly.

Romeo: Is that your stomach?
Saha: yeah.*(pout)
Romeo: come. I'll cook something.
Saha: okay. But I'll help too.
Romeo: show me your fingers.

She showed her fingers. The cuts were quite deep but not that deep.

Romeo: *(twitched) come. I'll put new bands on your cuts.

She followed me. We went up into her bedroom. I sat on the bed, she sat on my lap. I put new bands on her wound.

Romeo: look at what you've done. Don't do it again. Next time if anything happens , you should call me first. Understand?
Saha: *(kisses his cheeks as a response)
Romeo: thankyou for the kiss.
Saha: thankyou for the bands.

We went down to the kitchen again. I started cooking.

Saha: I'll do something.
Romeo: Then do me a favour.
Saha: What is it?
Romeo: sit here*(points to a stool that is beside him.) and give me a peck just like you did earlier, for every 5 minutes.
Saha: Not that!! give me some work to help you.
Romeo: Then how about this? I'll kiss you every 5 minutes but it will be like the passionate one that we had before. Okay? You'll run short for your breath. How's th-
Saha: The first is better.*(Thumbs up)
Romeo: smart and cute*(rubs her hair and gives a peck on her temple)

She went upstairs and brought her mobile. She put a timer and gave me a peck every 5 minutes. How cute!
I am finally done making breakfast.

Romeo: come on. Let's eat.
Saha: finally!!

We ate the breakfast and I was cleaning the dishes.

Saha: why is it only you doing the chores all the time? I wanna do them too.*(Hugs him from behind and leans her head on his back.)
Romeo: I like doing things for you. Besides if you do the dishes, who is going to hug me from behind like this?
Saha: you can hug me while I do the dishes.
Romeo: For that, either you should stand on a chair or I should sit on a chair.
Saha: hmph*(pinches his waist)
Romeo: ow! Pain is your love language Babe?
Saha: yeah.*(Bites his back)
Romeo: Wild.*(Chuckles)

She hugged me tight and left the kitchen.
She went to the TV room. I am finally done cleaning. I went to the TV room too.
She is looking at the blank tv screen.

Romeo: what are you doing?
Saha: I am bored.
Romeo: *(thinks) Let's go somewhere.
Saha: where?
Romeo: *(thinks)Hmmm.... A mall?
Saha: mall?*(Not interested)
Romeo: yeah.
Saha: I don't want to.
Romeo: you don't want to? Why?
Saha: I don't like going to the malls. I hate shopping.
Romeo: you hate shopping?
Saha: yeah. I just wear whatever my parents bought. These clothes too.*(Shows the clothes that she is wearing)
Romeo: oh my! Then whose gonna shop clothes for you now?
Saha: you.
Romeo: *(smirking) so you are going to wear anything I buy for you?
Saha: I know the meaning of your smirk. Remember, wearing is my choice. If I don't like it ,I won't wear it. If it is short, I won't wear it.
Romeo: Come on. You can wear short clothes sometimes at least for only me.
Saha: no-
Romeo: FOR ME... Please.*(Puppy eyes)
Saha: *(laughs) Puppy eyes don't suit you. *(Rubes his hair and kisses his cheeks)
Romeo: but they suit you so much.*(Adorable) Anyways, we are going to the mall now. We'll buy something if you like, if not we'll just visit and come back.
Saha: Nooo.*(Lazy)
Romeo: come on. Don't be lazy. You're the one that's bored. So you should be the most excited one.*(Lifts her up and carries her to bedroom.)
Saha: there's no such rule.*(Giggles)
Romeo: There is.*(Chuckles)

I carried her to her bedroom, placed her on the bed. I went into the closet room to pick a dresses that she would feel more comfortable and look more pretty in. I came out with 3 sets.

Romeo: pick one. Blue, Black or pink?
Saha: which colour are you wearing?
Romeo: I am going to wear the same. Black.
Saha: what's your favourite colour?
Romeo: Black.
Saha: Then..... Pink.
Romeo: *(confused) why did you even ask me? I thought you were going to choose black.
Saha: tricked ya. Hah.
Romeo: haha.*(Sarcasm )Get ready quick. I'll be waiting for you in the hall.
Saha: okay.

I went down to the hall and waited for her. She didn't take much longer. Just 15 minutes. She looks like a baby in that pink dress.

Saha: let's go?*(Approaches him and gives a peck on cheeks)
Romeo: yeah. You look good in this dress.
Saha: thankyou.

We went to the car. I opened the car door for her. We drove to the mall.
We reached the mall. I got down and gave her my hand to get down opening the door. She took my hand and got down. We went inside the mall.

Romeo: It's quite crowded today.
Saha: yeah.
Romeo: Hold my hand or you'll be lost.*(Laughs)
Saha: I won't be. I am fine. Hmph.*(Pouts and Doesn't hold his hand.)

Saha's POV:

It is all crowded. Lots of girls here, today. Why? Some of the girls are looking at HIM. I don't like this. I held his forearm with my hands and walked more close to him.
He looked at me. I was looking at the girls who are looking at him. He noticed it.

Romeo: Hold me more tight. They are still watching.
Saha: yeah. *(Tightens her grip)
Romeo: I've never seen jealous side of you.
Saha: this isn't jealous. This is protecting you. *(Frowning eyebrows )
Romeo: you are doing a great job.*(Internal laugh)
Saha: I know.
Romeo: *(Chuckles)

We moved forward and vacated the place, the girls were at. No more girls looking at my man.
That's when we saw THEM.... OH SHOOT.

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