Chapter 9 Principal office part II

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Here is the next chapter 😊☺️☺️☺️☺️♥️❤️💞💕💗 enjoy ❣️♥️❤️💞💕💕💕💖💙💙❣️💝💝

Lunch Time Over

It was Jk's period . He went to tae's class
Everyone greeted him. He also greeted them back

Tae also stood after very difficulties. Jk didn't notice him that time as he was standing in the last row

Jk started teaching and he also glanced at tae regularly. He was also thinking that tae is sick or weak but he couldn't find the actual thing

After sometime Jk wrote a question on the white board

Jk - Can anyone solve it??

None answered so he again Said

Jk- ok I will choose who will solve it

Then Jk called tae

Jk - KIM TAEHYUNG come here and solve the problem

Tae stood up and after a lot of difficulties he came front

Jk gave him the marker. Tae took it and went to the white board

Tae solved the question in very easy method and everyone got shocked. Jk also

Jk - Very good TAEHYUNG. You did great 👍

Jk smiled . When Tae was going to hand over the marker to Jk , he fainted in the chest of Jk

Jk - TAE (he shouted)

Jk then saw the red blood marks in his hoodie and he got extremely worried and horrified

He then took tae to his cabin without wasting one second. He reached his cabin and called RM

Jk - Hyung please come to my cabin now please (crying)

RM- Ok bun don't worry I am coming

He ran to jk cabin.  Jk took tae to his lap and sat in the couch then lay tae in his lap took tae's shirt off then he saw the dark red marks on his soft and fluffy skin . Jk was completed red in anger. Tae was in jk's lap that time. RM came and saw tae senseless in jk's lap

RM- Bunny 🐰 what happened to bear . Why his body is red and blood flowing from his body ( Worried)

Jk-  H-hyung pup fainted in my class ( crying 😭)

RM - shh don't cry he sat in the couch near tae

Imagine jimin as tae sitting in jk's lap and RM sitting aside

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Imagine jimin as tae sitting in jk's lap and RM sitting aside

RM- brought the first aid kit from the drawer and gave to Jk

Jk put ointment on tae body. Tae was hisssing in pain while senseless

RM eyes also got teared up to see his baby like this

RM- How this happened bun.

Jk- Hyung I think someone beat our baby .

RM - HOW DARE  HE  TO BEAT OUR BABY. I won't forgive him never ( sternly)

JK - Hyung please call JImin and hobi hyung to come home. Only they can treat our baby

RM called all and informed them to come home ASAP

RM and Jk also went home with tae . Tae was RM'S lap this time

They reached home and already their hyungs came there

Jin - What happened bunny why did you call us??

That's it for this chapter ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Hope you like it 🤗☺️😊😊💞💞😭😭👍💝💝❣️❣️💙💖💕💕💕👌💗💚💜💜 Byeee

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