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My name is Jay Walker. And I have the worst job on the planet. I am really in need of money. My job of being a cashier at the local super market just wasn't doing it for me I could barely afford to pay taxes in my apartment!

So, I took a job of being a security guard for 5 nights at an old pizza place called, 'Ninjago's Pizzeria.'

It's only the visit and I can honestly say that taking this job was the worst mistake I've ever made in my whole existence.

Because now, I'm stuck here for 5 more nights with 4 killer animatronics banging on the doors of my office and peering through my window, all of them trying to find a way inside to stuff me inside an extra ninja suit.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Jay, why don't you just quit?" Well, I tried that. But Mr. Wu the new owner after Garmadon, won't let me leave. He said, "If you don't show up, I'll find you and drag you back here."

So, yeah. That  sucks. I bet you're also thinking, "Oh come on it can't be that bad." Actually, it is. See, this company is obviously very, very, very, cheap, as I only have a limited amount of power to last me 6 HOURS! And my only defense against the animatronics are 2 doors and lights, which of course, cost a lot of power to use.

Well enough complaining about this cursed job and let's go see Mr Wu before he fires me or something...

Oh my goodness thank you for reading the prolonged I know it's not big or anything but I hope you liked it and yes I know it's bad and stupid XD

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