'I cannot believe I'm sitting in this chair again. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? I must have some sort of subconscious death wish!'
As the clock reaches midnight, I feel sweat accumulate on the palms of my hands.
'Here we go...'
I look down at the monitor and sigh in frustration to see that Zane has already moved. My hand instinctively moves towards the light button and, whoop de do, Zane is in the doorway.
"Good to see that you are back, old friend," Zane say slyly.
The way he says friend disgusts me to my core. I respond to Zane's statement by shutting the door in his face.
I sit still for a few moments before checking the lights again. To my relief, Zane is gone. I look down at the cameras and cycle through each camera to find where everybody is. Kai is in the Dining Area, Zane, backstage, Cole, thankfully still on the show stage, and Nya is peeking out from behind the curtains of her own respective area.
'Now what else? Ah!'
I switch back to the Dining Area camera and check on the music box. To my shock, it's already a quarter of a way finished. And I've only been here for 5 minutes! Yeah, definitely lasts for an hour! My finger presses itself against the rewind button and, slowly but surely, the music box rewinds.
It has become apparent to me that this box is going to become a problem for me throughout the night. I mean, if I'm busy using this camera to wind up the music box, then how am I going to check on- Oh no!
I hear the heavy patter of metal feet as Nya jogs down the hallway towards my office. My hand slams itself against the door button just as Nya leans towards the doorway.
"Dang!" Nya cries and bangs on the door. "You just got lucky."
I check the camera again and smile brightly to see that Nya has returned to Samurai Cove. I pull down the camera and check each door light. To my surprise, Kai is peering through my right window, a smug grin on his face.
'Wait, can chickens even grin? You know because of their beaks?'
"See ya birdy!" I shout and shut the door.
Kai scowls and storms off.
"Yeah, go return to the nest," I can't help but giggle at my own petty joke. I should totally become a comedian!
I pull up the monitor again and wind up the music box. I also notice that it's now 1 A.M. and I have 85% power left.
'I guess that's alright.'
"Hurgh hurgh hurgh... Hurgh hurgh hurgh..."
Alright it's 4:45! Hours of shutting the doors, checking the lights, viewing the cameras, and winding the music box is so stressful! Like the box just almost ran out!
"Hurgh hurgh hurgh..." Cole's laugh echoes throughout the building as he moves to another room.
"Stay away from me you freak," I grunt and shut the door on Cole. "C'mon guys! I only have 42% left!"
"Ooh that sucks!" Cole shouts from the other side of the door.
"Yes you do!" I reply.
Cole growls lowly before going to another room. I move over to Samurai Cove and see that Nya is already in sprinting position.
"C'mon, give me your best shot," I whisper.
Nya frowns up at the camera and walks back to the curtains.
least she won't come to my door.

¥ Five Nights At Ninjago ¥
Fanfiction\ • PLEASE IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE FIRST PART IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND BUT IF YOU WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF BE MY GUEST •/ ! Temporary cover credit to the rightful owner of this wonderful picture ! I do not own five nights at Freddy...