'Oh crap! Oh crap! I'm late! By 5 minutes! That wouldn't be so bad, if there weren't killer animatronics walking around at the place that I work! Stupid traffic! Who the hell is driving around at midnight anyway!?'
I bite my bottom lip as I pull into the parking lot of Ninjago's. Oh, I really hope they haven't moved yet!
Peeking inside the restaurant, I detect no sign of movement. Slowly and steadily, I make my way into the building. Walking past a large present box, I sigh happily when I see that all of the characters are still on stage.
"Great!" I whisper happily and race for my office.
Looks like I made it just in time, because as soon as I sit in my chair, the phone rings.
"Alright Lloyd, what words of wisdom do you have for me tonight?" I chuckle as I flip through each camera.
Within a few seconds of my comment, Lloyd's message begins to play...
"Hello, hello? Hey, wow, day four. I knew you'd make it. Uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to talk to you tomorrow." Lloyd started.
I gulped as I heard a loud banging sound in Lloyd's message. And if I was right, there was only one animatronic who banged on the door... Nya...
Lloyd hesitated before continuing."It's been a bad night for me. Um, I-I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you, uh, when I did. And I, uh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth... Th-They know you're a human, but, uh... *Bang Bang* They'll still stuff you... I-It's kinda funny... I've been here for fourteen years... Worked at all three restaurants... Guess I never thought I'd go out like this... Uh, hey, do me a favor. *Bang Bang* Tell Uncle Wu that... I-It's not his fault... And, uh, maybe you could check inside those suits in the back? *Bang Bang* I'm gonna to try to hold out until someone checks. Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in those old suits back there." I-I don't blame them... It's not their fault... He controls them..."
I heard a deep, human-like moan as Lloyd continued .
"Oh, no..." Lloyd finished.
I jumped in my seat as a loud scream played in the message, followed almost immediately by a sickening snap.
"Lloyd?" I asked pointlessly, knowing that this was recorded hours ago.
'No... He can't be... No...no no no no no!'
Pulling up the monitor, I quickly flip to the backstage camera and gasp in shock. For some reason, the camera has been turned, and now faces the other side of the room. I take notice of old, torn up costumes and broken animatronics laying on the floor. A small, round, toy-like boy with black hair and blue clothes sits in the corner with a sign that says 'Balloons!' I also see another animatronic... This one's much larger, probably six feet tall. It appears to be an orange tiger wearing a brown ninja suit and is slumped against a table that has multiple character heads sitting on top. A Cole mask, this one looking older than the actual Cole, with deep, sunken eyes, and a pair of teeth on the top jaw. Sitting next to the bear head, is what appears to be Zane's head. It looks perfectly fine... Except for the fact that it's missing it's face! However, what creeps me out the most in this room is that the old Lightning suit has been moved. He now sits directly in front of the camera, slouched over like a dead body, his jaw hanging open...
I yelp quickly as I hear the sounds of pots and pans being moved around in the kitchen.
"Damn bird..." I grumble to myself.
Checking the door lights, I jump in surprise to see that Zane is already at my door, his face twitching like last night...

¥ Five Nights At Ninjago ¥
Fanfiction\ • PLEASE IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE FIRST PART IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND BUT IF YOU WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF BE MY GUEST •/ ! Temporary cover credit to the rightful owner of this wonderful picture ! I do not own five nights at Freddy...