Chapter Thirteen

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At home, I collapsed on the lounge floor, bawling my eyes out. Yang got hurt because of me. She was nice to me at the hospital, but I don't deserve her kindness. Adam never would've hurt her if it wasn't for me. Pain shoots up my side from where he stabbed me and I let it hurt. I deserve it. I've only been taking my pain medication to keep myself from passing out from pain. I've slept maybe twelve hours since leaving the hospital four days ago, and I can feel my energy dropping by the second.

My mum rushes down the stairs, wrapping me up in her arms and holding me as I let all the tears run free until I can't cry anymore. She tells me it's okay, that it's not my fault, but it is. If I never went with him, none of this would have happened.

"I'm home!" My dad calls out about ten minutes later.

He sees us on the floor and joins us, pulling both of us in his large embrace and kissing us both on the head. I start to feel myself drifting off, I try to fight it, but eventually, I give in, slumping against my dad. He lets go of my mum and scoops me up into his arms carefully, carrying me upstairs to my room, just like he used to do when I was young, and tucks me into bed. He gives me my pain medication and water, then doesn't leave my side until I finally allow myself to sleep.

I woke up to the sun gleaming through the curtains. I'm still exhausted, but I finally feel like I got some decent sleep after everything. I spot my parents sleeping on the floor next to my bed with some pillows and blankets. A smile graces my lips, but it quickly disappears when I try to sit up, pain shooting up my side. My mum sits up immediately, concern on her face.

"I'm okay, just sore," I tell her, easing myself up some more.

She gets up and hands me water and some more pain medication, kissing my forehead as I take them. My dad wakes up and tries to come help me out of bed, but I just hold up my hand to stop him, and carefully get out of bed.

"We'll go sort some breakfast for you, then maybe we can go to the hospital and check on Yang?" he says, smiling softly at me.

"I'd like that," I say, "I'll get changed first and come down."

"Let us know if you need any help, please," mum says, kissing my forehead again.

I simply nod, waiting for them to leave before pulling my shirt off. There was a little red on my gauze pad, so I pull it back carefully to get a look at it. It seems okay, so I push the pad back into place. I find myself a comfy bra, undies and some other clothes, taking my time to put them on without hurting myself, then head downstairs.

Mum is making pancakes while dad is cutting up some fruits and putting them into a couple bowls. I watch quietly, knowing they haven't seen me yet. Both are humming the same little tune and bobbing their heads as they made the food. My parents work together so well together. They often work together to cook dinner and do chores around the house, and I love to join in because watching their bond gives me hope for the future...

The future with Yang that may be ruined now.

I shake the thoughts away and walk over to my dad, kissing his cheek then sitting down at the table.

"Do you think we could sneak some pancakes in for Yang?" my mum asks with a cheeky grin, placing a plate stacked with pancakes on the table.

"Khali..." dad sighs, but there was a hint of a smile on his face.

"We can try," I shrug.

I pick at a pancake and some blueberries and melon, nibbling away, but overall, I'm not very hungry. I'm mostly eating because my stomach is grumbling more than me actually wanting to eat.

"You don't have to eat it all," dad tells me, watching me struggle. "Put the plate in the fridge and I'll pack some extras into a container for Yang."

My scroll buzzes, I check it to see a message from Yang.

From HOTHEAD: [I'm awake more. I want to see you. I miss you.]

To HOTHEAD: [Already on my way with my parents. Have you eaten? We want to sneak some pancakes in.]

From HOTHEAD: [I've had toast, but I'd love some pancakes... maybe a kiss from my Kitten would help too.]

I smile to myself. She normally calls me Kitty, but I think I prefer her calling me Kitten. A warm tingle spreads across my chest and I put my scroll into my pocket.

Ruby's laughter is the first thing I hear as my parents and I approach Yang's hospital room. I knock lightly on the door, and pop my head inside the room to see Ruby sitting at the end of Yang's bed, showing her drawings in a sketchbook. Yang looks over at me and her eyes seem to light up. She looks a lot better today than yesterday, it's nice to see.

"Blake," she sighs, reaching her hand out to me.

I take it in both my hands and peck her on the lips. I go to sit in the empty chair, but she doesn't let go of my hands, a little pout on her face, so I climb up onto the bed next to her instead. My parents come in and place a couple containers on the little table.

"Would you like us to stay?" My mum asks, touching my shoulder, but looking at Yang.

"My dad will be back soon if you'd like to talk to him. I'm enjoying the company, though," says Yang, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me closer.

My parents stick around, chatting mostly with Ruby while Yang and I cuddle and listen to their stories.

"It used to be impossible to get Blake to keep her clothes on as a little girl, as soon as our backs were turned, off they came and away she went!" My mum says.

"Mum!" I gasp, burying my face in Yang's chest as all of them laugh. Ugh.

"Ruby was the same, mum and dad were always chasing her around trying to get her clothes back on while I was climbing up into the cupboard to sneak some cookies for us," Yang laughs, running her fingers along my arm. I shiver, but it feels nice.

The door opens and Tai walks in with Weiss behind him. He looks around at everyone and smiles while Weiss comes and sits next to Ruby.

"You guys must be Blake's folks," he says, offering a hand to my dad, "I'm Tai."

"Ghira, and this is my wife, Khali," my dad says, both of them taking turns to shake Tai's hands.

"Lovely to finally meet you both, you have a great daughter," Tai says, my parents smile proudly at me.

"Your daughter is also amazing, we love having her around at our house," my mum says, making both Yang and I blush. "We can't begin to express how sorry we are that this happened to Yang."

"It's not your fault, nor Blake's," Yang pipes up, rubbing my shoulder. "It's Adam's fault. No one else."

Adam's cruel smile flashes in my mind. I try to shake it away, but it lingers for a while longer. I turn my head away from everyone and bury my face into Yang's chest, tears silently falling and soaking into her hospital gown.

"Come on, we'll go outside for a bit," I hear Tai say.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't met him, none of this would have happened, and, and..." I sob, wrapping my arms around Yang. "You'd still have your arm."

"But I wouldn't have met you, and I wouldn't change that for the world," Yang says, planting a kiss on my head. "The next few months, they're going to be hard. For both of us, but we'll get through it. Together. With help, as well. I will never, ever blame you for this, Blake. Never."

Why does she have to be so kind? I sigh, not saying anything.

"This is not your fault, Kitten," she says again, a bit more firmly, there was no malice or anger behind it. Just concern.

"Okay," I sniffle, still not wanting to move my head away from her chest.

I feel her kiss my head and she gives my ears a little scratch. It's going to be a long, difficult road for us both.

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