Chapter-43: Final bid to Love

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Same day
11:00 am

Aarohi and Aarav were right in front of each other. Aarav said, " Thank you for giving me a second chance ". Aarohi replied, " I never said that ". Aarav asked," Then ".

Aarohi said, " I have provided you an opportunity to present your side of story, after listening to it then I will think if you deserve an apology or not ".

Aarav replied, " I think you are being more harsh on me even more than the required. I hope you don't feel guilty over it in future ".

Aarohi replied, " It will be better if people like you don't talk about harshness. I am just making you feel hardly one percent of what you had made me go through ".

Aarav asked, " So, are you deliberately doing it ? ". Aarohi replied, " Please don't waste your time in this stupid conversation just end your side truth in next one hour and end this matter today. I am fed up with all this drama of yours that you didn't get the chance to explain yourself ". Aarav said, " You want to learn the truth right, then hear it ".

Today is the final battle of the love.
Either every misunderstanding is gonna be sorted leading them to reunite forever or the truth will increase the distance between hearts adding up more to their sufferings.

He starts narrating the incident:
Story from Aarav's P.O.V.

You remember, I was in Delhi a day before, we were supposed to meet your parents here. The same night when I was returning back to my home after office. I decided to meet Nitya's family. I felt that may be I should meet them for once, they had lost their daughter due to my recklessness and I disappeared from their life as I was the culprit, I was bit unsure what would they think of me then. I made my way towards their home. But before I could meet them, something worse happened to me. I had a panic attack witnessing the terrace from where she jumped off in front of my sight. I used to thought that I was over it, but that night I was proved wrong. I had a severe panic attack the same night. Those heavy breaths, sweat over forehead, trembling hands and your entire body freezing didn't let me meet her parents and I made my way to my car to go back at my home in a panicked state. I started driving back to my home not giving myself a chance to calm down my state and due to that careless behaviour. I met with an accident, it was not severe but my head banged into the steering wheel leading me to fall in a unconscious state. I was admitted into hospital and later found myself at hospital bed. I argued with the nurse to let me go from there and go back to my home, but she refused. Then the doctor arrived there. He asked me the reason I said I was feeling uneasiness in my body and then the accident happened. Then the doctor arrived there. He asked me about the symptoms I was feeling before accident. I explained them to him accordingly. He passed my case to a specialist there.
Soon I was in the cabin of a psychologist, he spoke as per my reports I had an severe panic attack, which was already known to. I said I don't want to get stuck in the therapy ruckus again as in Udaipur, I didn't want to follow any stupid theories to heal myself. I knew you were my healer and all my pain is enough can be easily cured by your presence in my life. He advised me it can turn out worse as the accident could be more crucial and I could even lose my life that day. He said that panic attacks are not life threatening but ignoring them is equal to playing with your life. I said I am happy being with my loved ones and all this will heal with passage of time, now all what I want is to return back to my love who is waiting for me. After his numerous requests to not neglect, I told him that I don't want any treatment. Saying this I exited the cabin and got seated outside to get my car keys at the hospital corridor.
A man in her early 30s entered. The nurse told him that he has to wait for the next 20 minutes. He got sitted beside me.
Suddenly, a photo fell down from his pocket of a lady in her late 20s. I enquired , " Is she his wife". He replied ,"She was his wife". I said," sorry for your loss." . He replied, " She is alive , we are just not together ". I was getting bored till my car keys are back to me. I asked him , " What brought you here ? ".
He said, " My broken family ". I become little upset over his state and my curiosity to dig into his life increased.
He told me that his first wife was not his first love, he had a girlfriend before who died due to a prolonged disease. But years later, he again fall in love with another girl and married her. When he got married he was not fully recovered from his past love. But the presence of his wife made him forget about all his worries and he don't want to let her go. So he made a move in the present with his past deep burried in his heart.
Initial phase of their married life went smooth. But years later, his past again started triggering him. He felt that he had made a mistake moving on from his first love. He started searching for his first love in his wife and no woman would like it if their husband keep searching for a another woman in them, she knew she was not his first love. But it doesn't mean she had to suffer due to his husband's past regrets. They loved each other but may be sometime only love is not enough, you need your emotions to be constant for a person to a sustainable relationship. She tried her best to make it work, but he was too broke in himself at that point of time, that he didn't even saw her efforts. In the mean time, they had a daughter her wife thought may be she can save their married life. But even it didn't help. He was too consumed his own pain that along being with a good husband he even failed being a good father and she moved out peacefully along with their daughter and that man later realised what he lost while grieving over something he had already lost.But it was too late. He realised that emotional stability which people ignore so effortlessly is so important that a slight disturbance in it can ruin your dream to a happy family. But then I realised was doing the same, Nitya was not my first love but she was an integral part of my life which was really hard to forget.
He told me it's better to heal yourself and make a family than entering into an commitment with past burried in you and later losing everything due to your mistakes. He said when your heart is empty it will not be able to give love and without love and affection you can't even make a friendship sustain and he got married. Due to his mistake, his wife suffered and his daughter is deprived of his life. Although he is allowed to meet her occasionally,but the situation would be different if he would have thought wisely and didn't drag his wife into darkness of his life. About which actually he is unaware at that point of time when he got married. But three lives was ruined due to his ignorance towards actual healing which is not two loving talks with your beloved but a proper treatment that can make you talk about your past trauma without triggering your emotions.
That day I got scared Aarohi. I was scared what if we ended up being the same as them. What if those panic attacks become more severe and even your life came to stake along with mine. I always wanted to build a family with you. But I want to be a man who can handle everything well with not being an emotional mess inside. That day I decided I will get a treatment and cure myself completely only then I will step into any new relationship. I know I could have told you but if I did so, then you would have been unnecessarily dragged into my life's mess and I had already hurted you enough due to my own emotional insecurities and I don't want to hurt the girl anymore whom I love the most. If I told my family especially Vihaan he would have definitely told you about it and I didn't want it to happen.I want to move out as being in the same town will make it hard for me to his about my treatment as I had made my family suffer enough. Two days later when my injuries were enought to make me fit for travel, I flew to California to my cousin Jeevika and get the best treatment from there. I healed my self hundred percent before facing you. I want to be the man you actually deserve, not a emotionally drained person with whom you have to share his panic attacks only. But I have never imagined in my worse dreams that you have to go through the same due to me. I just want to spend my rest of life with you, I know in past three years apart from being harsh on myself, I unintentionally made you suffer too. But I swear , I want to keep you separate from this mess. I never left you, I just took a break to work on myself. I never wanted to witness my family with you to be broken in the future not even in my worst dreams.My only mistake here is that I took all the decision myself.Rest is up to you, truth is now in front of you, now you decide I deserve an apology or no.

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