Chapter 10

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"You're upset."

"Why should I be?"

"Aubrielle you've been ignoring me."

"I don't have a right to be mad. That was before we met. Beside you're free to do what you want."

"Then look at me." Aubrielle kept her eyes on her plate. "Aubrielle look at me!"

Her eyes snap up to meet his. She was surprised by the tone he use with her.

"That's the past." His large hands cup her small face. "I can get rid of them if you want."

"You're not killing those women Azrael. Now let the issue go."

"This isn't over." She roll her eyes and continue eating.

After...breakfast or lunch Aubrielle went to explore her new environment. The castle is creepy but where she's at it all make sense. The sky is dark and everything smell burnt.

"Do you see the woman he brought back?"

"She's so...poor."

Aubrielle peek around the corner and saw two women talking. She make sure to memorised their face.

"I can't believe Lord Krixus choose her over us."

"We should teach her a lesson."

Aubrielle scrowled and turn around.

"You're avoiding me."

"Make a sound next time!"

"Aubrielle you're avoiding me."

"Yes I am. Is that a problem?"

"Why?" He look down at her as she stare at the floor. He use his pointer to life her chin.

"I want to go home."

"If that's what you want. Follow me."

She follow him. She don't know why she's upset. It's not like they have anything going on.

Azrael lean her down a flight of cobble stone stairs and at the bottom is a room full of portals. Aubrielle make sure not to go too near them. Lord knows what through those.

"Here we are. You're going back to your world the right way. You'll have your memories and your life back."

"It was nice knowing you Krixus."

"Azrael." He lean down and kiss her. Her hand grip his shirt before releasing him. "I guess this is a goodbye."

"We can't work. Goodbye Azrael."

She step back and step through the portal.

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