Chapter 14

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Aubrielle pace the kitchen with phone in hand. She just quit her job. She didn't think she would ever do something like that. She actually like her job.

If she want to live a little longer though she need to step away from the chemicals. She's been in a lab since she's twenty one and now she's almost forty. Yeah she's not getting any younger.

She set the phone on the counter and head outside. It's really muddy. She lip her rain boots on and went to the barn.

A few days ago Azrael came home with cats. Alot of cats. It's like be rob a shelter. Now she has a cat zoo.

"Didn't think you were coming out." Azrael stood by the barn door with Rosy at his feet. He's shirtless and only wearing sweats. He's a entire meal.

"Sun is shining. Where else should I be?"

"In your lab."

"I quit my job."

"You love that job."

"I do." She wrap her arms around him. "I'm thinking about law school. I have to put some of my degrees to good use."

"You'll look sexy in a robe."

"I know." He ruffle her hair and pull her into the barn. He's been working nonstop for the last few days, building a cat sanctuary as he call it. This man love cats way too much. "OK this is amazing. They have a better home than me."

"You live in a castle."

"Well they have servants. Us."

"You're adorable crazy girl. But this is a master piece. I'm getting more cats."

"No you're not. What the hell are we doing with this much cat?"

"Maybe I can add a few rabbits."

"As long as its not more cats."

"Deal." He kiss her head and turn on the lights. "Welcome to cat heaven."

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