Chapter 5

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The lab door open and Aubrielle two bestfriends, Taylor and Ashlyn came in. They stare in awe at the three giants.

"Girl what have you been up to?"Taylor asked as she eyed the men.

"Honestly, nothing."

"You call us here for a reason." Ashlyn said as she walk around the men.

"Yes. This is Leviathan but just call him Levi, this is Bane and then Azrael. I name them."

"So why exactly do you have them?"

"Azrael broke into my house and the others I pick up from the station. They have no memory of where they come from so I want you two to take one of them. I'm keeping Azrael though."

"I'll gladly take Bane. Maybe he'll become my new dildo."

"Jesus christ Ashlyn. Down girl."

"Hey don't blame me. It's hard to get good dicks these days. Anyways I'll take him and see what I can do. It's nice to have a little company."

"And I'll have Levi."

"See to their memory. Azrael and I will have some fun or our own."

"What fun?"

"Azrael go to the kitchen look something to eat."

"What fun?"

"Azrael just go."

"Not until you tell me."

"Go or I'll tie you up again." He walk out of the lab and Aubrielle shake her head. "He's an asshole. Anyways thank you guys for doing this."

"No problem. Bestfriends help each other out. I'll see you soon."


Aubrielle sigh and look around her lab. It's good when you work from home. Azrael is going to be a pain in ass but she hadn't had much fun in a while so rangling him would be a lot of run.

Now to find the giant brat.

She make her way upstairs. She's also hungry so she should get some food while she's getting the big boy under control.

"This is good."

Aubrielle stood in the kitchen doorway and watch Azrael eat a entire cake.

"Want some?"

"I'm going to go broke with your eating habits."

She walk over to him, get on a chair and take the cake from him and set it on the table.

"Listen here mister. Stop eating everything!"


"This is too much sugar and too much sugar is not good for you. Now eat lettuce or something."

"That's grass." Aubrielle give up.

"You know, I like you better when you don't talk."

"And I like you better when you're shorter than me."

Aubrielle look down and chuckle. "I know I look good but don't make it too obvious. Get to bed. You have a long day tomorrow"

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