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Salish POV

When we got there, we saw two figures pushing each other. I nodded at Nidal and he at me. We slowly parted to the characters. I recognized that one voice right away. It was Ben. I've heard the second one somewhere before, but I couldn't remember. Where did I hear that voice?? Nidal recognized it in me. I was glad for that. At least I don't have to tell him.

When we were closer, we hid in the shadows. Yes I know. We couldn't think of a better hiding place at that moment. We observed them. They started arguing. I noticed that the other one has a knife attached to his pants. Hell, what if she wants to kill him. I wanted to go after them, but a hand that grabbed my wrist stopped me. It was Nidal.  That it surprises me.  I looked at him and he shook his head in disapproval. I rolled my eyes and went back to where I was before. Something tells me this is going to go badly.

I kept looking at the stranger. He didn't look like he was planning to kill Ben. He was just terribly angry. It is he. The one Ben wrote about on that paper. His former friend.  Now I can't even remember his name. I looked at the pair. So his name is Leo. Okay, that's not a bad name. Suddenly someone shouted. " Salish, Nidal. I know you are there. Get out now or I'll kill Ben.” Wait until he knows our name. I looked at Nidal and he didn't understand either.

"Fine, why not? At least I'll get revenge on him for reporting me to the police." Enough. I finally got out. Nidal was still hidden there. Coward. I stood opposite that psychopath. I wasn't afraid of him, which surprised me quite a bit. We just looked at each other for a while, but suddenly he smiled strangely. " What do you want from me?" I broke the silence. He chuckled. “ Hi Salish. I'm glad to finally meet you." I was surprised. How did he finally know? How did he know about me? Do they have a television in a psychiatric hospital? "Ben used to follow me for a while. We were talking normally, but one day he started laughing at me. He laughed about how I couldn't do anything or how he called the police on me. Even if it wasn't true. It's true that I killed the guy, but I'd never kill Ben and he'd just report me to the police." I was surprised when he finished his prologue. Now I haven't received anything at all.

"So if I understand correctly, Ben betrayed you when you saved his life." He just nodded in agreement. Okay. It's all getting complicated. "What about my parents? Where are they? What did you do with it?”  He thought about that. "You really want to see that, don't you?" I looked at him with an expression. Not you moron. I totally want you to lie to me. Fortunately, he understood. He pulled out his cell phone. Ben's cell phone. "There is something in that cell phone that you should see." He then handed it to me. It was some kind of video. Seriously? I didn't deal with it and let it go. In that video, someone is walking down the stairs. Probably to the basement. He unlocks the door and behind it two figures sit on a chair. My parents. They have their mouth taped shut. Their hands are tied behind a chair and they have bruises on their cheeks. Suddenly someone spoke. “Haha…..I enjoy it so much.” Nick. The unfamiliar voice belonged to Nick. Then it ended.

Ben was in shock. (He knows Nick). He also didn't understand what he heard. I looked around me. Where is Nidal? Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. I winced. Who else was it but Nidal. It annoys me so much. I looked at Nidal, who was still looking at the psychopath. Nice to meet you Nidale. He gave him his hand. Nidal looked at the hand and then shifted his gaze to his eyes. "It's a shame that I can't say the same. Nidal was still holding my wrist. "Salish." What are you doing here.” Shit. Nick. What is he doing here? I turned to him.

When he was close, he hugged me and I hugged him back. "What are you doing here?" I asked him after he left me. He looked again at Nidal, who killed him with a look. He understood that he was not even supposed to greet him. I tried to pretend that nothing happened." I was walking around and suddenly I heard Nidal and so I went to look.'

Hello here is the next chapter. Thank you very much for reading. Here, I wrote the chapter on the way to or from school, but sometimes when we had afternoon classes during the big break.
words: 830

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