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Nidal POV

As soon as she said that, I knew what she was going to do. I just stood there for a while as if I was stuck with glue. I don't even know how I thought of it, but I looked at the piece of paper again. I noticed that it can still be taken apart, so I did. There was an address and under that it was written Call the police and tell them this address. Ben.I turned to Salish. She looked everywhere. She also had a knife in her hand. Honestly, if I didn't know her and met her like this. I would have thought he was a psychopath. “Hey Salish, come here. I found something." When she came to me, I showed her the address. She looked at it with a surprised expression. After a moment she looked into my eyes. Hell. Maybe she doesn't want to do this." Salish, it's dangerous. We'd better call the police." She sighed. "Nidal, I know you're scared and so am I, but now that we know where he is, we'll at least look there. God why am I so nice So I finally nodded because I really don't want to argue with a woman. Especially not in this situation. "We have to get ready. Follow me." She said in a calm voice and I chased after her. We went to Ben's bedroom.

I looked around me. I wanted to make sure there was no one else there but the two of us. Salish headed for the wall. There was a poster. Well, to be specific, it was a large calendar. She took it off and behind it was a room. Quite a large room. There were some sort of weapons, protective suits and knives everywhere. I was shocked. How did the Salish know about this and I didn't? Why am I the last to learn everything? Salish recognized me. He probably knows everything about me. She smiled. I missed that. "Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you." She broke me out of my thoughts while she looked at what she was going to wear. I started looking around and I'll tell you, I've never seen so many guns together. I took some weapons. I don't even know what kind, but just some. Salish did it too. Palo, we moved on to the knives.

As for the knives, there was a choice. About a hundred times bigger than in Target. I had to chuckle. I took a couple of knives. Not much but not a little. Just right. I looked at Salish. She chose her knives carefully. She quite surprised me with her choice. One knife had one side like a normal knife and the other was serrated. "Okay, now we'll go back to the living room. We'll think of a plan and I'll go. I nod my head and go with her to the living room. We put all the things on the table there.  We just stand over those things for a while, and then they hid them in various ways under their clothes.

In the end, I took my cell phone and forwarded the address. It wasn't even that far. About a ten minute walk. We put on our shoes and set off. We were quiet the whole time. What I hate the most is the awkward silence that has been with us the whole way. Suddenly we appeared in front of the bridge. This is it. It wasn't long before I noticed two figures. They were pushing and arguing about something. Salish nodded at me and I at her. We slowly parted to the figures. I began to recognize that voice. It was Ben's voice, but I never heard the other voice. When I looked at Salish, I realized that she felt like she heard that voice somewhere before.  I could see it in her eyes.

Hello everybody. Thank you very much for reading this chapter again. Look forward to the next chapter.
words: 669

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