Chapter 18

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(3rd Person Pov)

Sabine sat on her bed in her cabin aboard the Ghost. She stared at her paintings on the walls. Then she got up and walked to Zeb and Ezra's room. Zeb was doing the same thing that she was planning to do: Staring at the cartoon picture of Zeb and Ezra, from one time when Chopper had pranked them both. Chopper came in then and joined them, bumping Sabine on the leg with his metal head and whimpering. Sabine patted his head sadly. Hera walked in then, and stared at the picture too. Zeb spoke up after a while.
"I miss the kid."
Hera nodded. "And Kanan."
"Can we please go rescue them now?" Sabine asked.
Hera hesitated. "I don't think we should. If we get captured-"
"Hera, they're our friends!" Sabine shouted. "We can't just sit by and pretend that everything is fine. Kanan and Ezra have been captured by the Empire!"
Hera nodded. "You're right. We need to go save them. Zeb?"
They all turn to look at the Lasat, who is still looking at the picture on the wall of his cabin sadly. He sighed.
"Oh, Carabast. Where's the Phantom?" They all cheer and race off to the Phantom, to rescue their friends. Hera takes off and they fly towards Capital City.

Star Wars Rebels: The Academy (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now