Chapter 22

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(Kanan pov)

I lay Ezra down gently in the med bay. He groans and opens his closed eyes.
"Yeah, I'm here. Are you alright?"
Ezra whispers. "I'll be fine. Just the Inquisitor and Vader really messed with my head. Plus the Inquisitor tortured me even further."
"I know buddy, I know. You're safe now."
Ezra closes his eyes again and lets me apply bacta and wrap him in bandages. When I'm finished, his fingers lightly trace over the knife marks on his cheek.
"Why would he do that?" He asks. "Why cut me up like this?"
"To hurt you. He didn't really have a reason to, other than to hurt you and to get to me."
"Kanan...Crystal was a traitor."
"She...she had a tracking device in her uniform. She knew about it and could have turned it off, but didn't." Ezra cries out with everything that's happened to him. A single tear slides down his cheek. I wrap him in a hug.
"I'm sorry, Ezra." He cries silently while I hug him. "I'm sorry...About everything."

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