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"Have you heard anything more about the Enclave clan?" Brandon asked me as he fiddled with the cuffs on his light blue shirt, shutting his laptop closed.

I inhaled deeply, not enjoying the reminder of their atrocity. "I've been a little distracted, but I've heard through the grapevine that a few more packs have been visited by them. Nothing too sinister this time, but they've made their threats and they want to use that fear to control the packs. They want help finding more gifted wolves."

"Why do they believe that gifted wolves are the answer to domination?" Brandon ran his hand through his dark hair, and we both remained quiet as we made our way out of my office in the town centre.

"Because they technically are," I eventually replied, my house coming into view. Gifted wolves were pretty rare, and it sounded as if the Enclave clan had eyes and ears all around - as they had already managed to locate a small army.

"Enough of the doom and gloom." Brandon sighed, flashing me a grin. "How is Scarlett settling in?"

My mate filled my mind, and my heart warmed from within. "She's getting there." I couldn't help but smile when talking about her. "She's reserved, though. I can tell she doesn't fully trust me, and for good reason. She was alone for years and this is a big change for her. I know she's holding back a lot."

Brandon hummed in response. "It'll take time. She'll get there eventually."

I hoped my brother was right. There was still so much I didn't know about Scarlett that I was eager to learn. But I wasn't going to push her.

I wanted her to share things with me when she was ready. She had no family, and that was something that I didn't like. She deserved to have people that loved and cared about her, and I was going to make sure she received that here. We would make up for the years lost.

"Girls!" yelled Brandon up the stairs. "Are you ready? We're already late."

I hadn't grown up with women - besides my mother - and I had forgotten how long it took for them to get ready. Erica had insisted that she began curling Scarlett's hair hours ago, and although my mate was a little hesitant, her laughter from upstairs told me she was actually having a good time with my sister-in-law.

I lifted my head once Erica and Scarlett descended the stairs, and my eyes almost fell from their sockets at the sight of my mate.

I understood why Erica had wanted to curl her hair hours ago - because they had dropped and were settled into a natural-looking wave that framed her face exquisitely. Her face had been lightly dusted with makeup, extenuating her already stunning features.

A bohemian-like white dress clung to her body. The long sleeves were slightly puffy and came to the middle of her hand, and although it wasn't a style I had ever pictured Scarlett in, it suited her. It made her look angelic and innocent - despite her fierce personality.

I did my best to compose myself though, allowing my wide eyes to drag over her for a few seconds before I brought them back up to her face, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Pride blossomed from within me when she also admired my attire, her throat bobbing up and down as she swallowed, her lips parting slightly. The look of want in her eyes - it did something to me.

"Let's go!" exclaimed Erica as she practically sprinted out of the door.

"If it wasn't obvious, you look beautiful," I whispered in Scarlett's ear. Both of us hung back slightly, allowing Erica and Brandon to race off in front. A subtle blush crept up onto Scarlett's face, tainting her smooth skin.

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