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I had imprinted the return address of the package in my mind, and when I had a free moment, I was going to look it up. Getting onto the library computers was going to be a challenge though, and I was going to need to ask when I was next there if I could set a login up. I just prayed that I didn't have to go through Olive to do so.

My shoulder looked a little better today, and I sat on the bathroom counter while Roman wet a cloth, applying some creamy - looking lotion to it. He was intent on cleaning my wound, and even though I had objected at first, I found myself granting him permission to help me once I spotted his pleading eyes.

Green pools of goodness - drowning me and ridding me of all logic.

"We've been invited to a party tonight," Roman said as he dabbed the warm flannel along the skin of my shoulder, taking care to not press too hard and hurt me. The lotion he was applying was cooling, and although it stung a little bit, the pain was masked by the sensation of his other hand flush against my neck, holding me in place.

I was frozen, forcing my body to remain as still as a scarecrow - otherwise, I knew I was going to gravitate towards him, and we couldn't have a repeat of our kiss. We just couldn't.

"A party?" I questioned, keeping my gaze to the floor. Roman was shirtless, and his abs flexed every time he spoke, causing my heart to slam against my chest with desire.

Shit. Why was this getting harder?

Roman hummed, dragging his plump bottom lip into his mouth as he concentrated. "Yep. It's Wyatt's housewarming tonight. Him and his mate have just bought a brand new house, and he's invited some people over."

Roman gazed at me through thick lashes, trying to gauge my reaction. "I fully understand if it's too much for you. You're still healing, but I wanted to give you the option and let you know that you don't need to be worried about anyone here. Wyatt and Darrel have both been asking if you're okay."

Memories of them finding me back in the woods flashed before my eyes, and I gulped, pulling away from Roman, causing him to frown. A party with a bunch of people where they had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of my mark and ask me questions about my past life?

No, thank you. I needed to lay low while here.

"I won't be going if you're not. I'm more than happy to stay here with you," Roman said, smiling as he took a step away from me, pulling the neckline to my long-sleeved top back up, satisfied with his cleaning.

I cocked my eyebrow. "I don't want to stop you." He needed to get used to doing things without me. Very soon, I was going to be gone.

Roman cupped my cheek, cocking his head at me as he studied, and I could tell that he wanted to kiss me again. My insides screamed at me - my brain and heart working on overdrive to try and overpower each other, but eventually, my brain conquered my heart, and I dropped my gaze.

Roman took my hint, stepping away from me.

"Just let me know how you feel about going to the party later," he said, plastering a heart-stopping smile onto his face. "Like I said, there really is no pressure, Scarlett. We have our entire lifetime together to go to parties once you've healed."

His words almost caused me to choke on my own saliva, and I nodded jerkily. I was sure that Roman could sense my heart beating rapidly against my ribs, and I was going to allow him to think that it was just because what he had said had made me excited. If anything though, it had filled me with even more turmoil.

Roman left the room to go and take a call. Even though it was the weekend, he still had work to do, but he promised me that he was going to try and make the call as quick as possible - he needed to speak to the alliances he was building in case the Enclave Clan attacked.

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