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Pure terror. Scarlett's body emitted the emotion so strongly it felt like it shot straight through my heart, agonisingly slicing it open. I hated seeing her so frightened, but this was necessary. It had gone on for too long now.

"Don't run," I ordered her, my eyes darkening. "Please."

"How-how did you...?" Scarlett couldn't finish her sentence. She wasn't trying to deny it. There was no point in doing so.

"That afternoon in the gym," I stated, chewing on the inside of my cheek anxiously. "I felt you trying to get inside of my head. It was clear that something was going on with you anyway, but feeling you do it just confirmed it in my mind."

My mate's bold brown eyes filled with tears, but her sadness was quickly replaced with frustration, and she growled. "And you didn't say anything?"

I shrugged. "I wanted you to come to me - to admit it when you were ready, but I couldn't wait any longer. Not with Nyx adamant on getting me on board. Having you trying to navigate this by yourself was putting you at risk. That, and I was worried that you were going to leave if I did come to you with my suspicions."

I wasn't sure what Scarlett's gift was exactly, but I knew it had something to do with worming her way inside of people's minds. Could she see their future? Make them see things she wanted them to? Read their thoughts?

"It didn't work," Scarlett muttered, looking defeated, and I spotted the way her eyes darted toward the door again. "My gift didn't work on you."

"Please don't run, because I can't let you go, Scarlett. I really can't." I gulped. "Surely you know that gifts don't work on mates, right?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I had assumed that gifted wolves were aware of that fact.

Scarlett's mouth fell open, and she scowled, clenching her fists together. I dropped my gaze, focusing on her sleeve that covered her hand. It had taken all of my willpower not to grab her hand and inspect it on many occasions, but I didn't want to break my mate's trust like that.

Scarlett moved her hands behind her back, hiding them from me. "I didn't know that. I've never met another wolf like me, so I had to learn everything from scratch." She appeared to be battling with herself - as if every instinct in her bones was screaming at her not to admit it.

I couldn't believe it myself. I had been paired with a gifted wolf. It worried me, but only because I was concerned for her safety. I wouldn't change her. She was strong, confident and independent. The only problem was that she was in danger.

"The things you told me about your family." I inhaled deeply. "Were they true? Or were you lying?"

"My parents weren't killed. They gave me up after my mark developed because it put their pack at risk. I lived with a human named Pearl, but she was killed by the Enclave Clan when they came looking for me. I managed to escape, but I live with the guilt that her death is on my hands everyday." Scarlett chuckled - a non-humorous laugh. "Fuck, I can't believe I'm actually admitting this to you."

I nodded in understanding. "Her death wasn't your fault, Scarlett." The thought that she blamed herself for Nyx's wrongdoings made fury swarm my body. My fists clenched, and my wolf growled deep within my chest.

Scarlett cocked her head, inhaling as she glanced at the book set on the desk, and I picked it up, handing it to her. She shook her head though, holding her hand out to stop me. "I've already seen it." Outrage flashed within her eyes.

I dipped my chin, placing the book down, humming. "I wasn't sure. It was the reason why I sent you in here yesterday. I wanted you to find it so it could give you a reason to admit to me what you were, but you didn't say anything, hence why I suggested cleaning today."

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