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It was nerve-wracking having Scarlett here when I could feel her anxiety, but she had insisted on coming tonight, and I didn't want to undermine her by continuously checking that she was sure it was something she could handle. She was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. Who was I to control her?

Unless it was in the bedroom.

My mind raced back to the moment in my office when Scarlett had released underneath me on my desk. I had never seen something so magical and beautiful in my life.

The way her eyes rolled back. Her fingernails scratching at my neck and back. And how her body tensed and shook from the intense pleasure. I had done that for her - it made me proud.

I picked at a salmon and cream cheese canape from the buffet as Nyx made his way around the crowd, thanking them all for coming, forcing smiles and laughs. Nyx and I hadn't spoken much - besides his enquiries for my help - and I didn't expect him to say anything more to me than a quick hello and thank you for coming.

I was surprised, though, when he stopped before me and beamed, holding his hand out for me to shake. I did so hesitantly, ensuring to squeeze his knuckles a little harder than necessary to assert my dominance. He was an Alpha, but a weak one for using gifted wolves to fight his battles for him.

"Roman, it's so good to see you in person."

I didn't buy his good samaritan facade. My opinion on him stood strong. A narcissistic asshole with a large ego and an even larger lust for violence. He turned to Scarlett, a beam gracing his lips. I hated him looking at her.

"This must be your mate. Excuse me if I'm speaking out of turn, but you look absolutely splendid. It's a pleasure to have you here."

Scarlett immediately tensed, but she quickly composed herself and nodded, meeting Nyx's strong and self-assured gaze. "Wonderful to meet you." There was a hint of loathing lacing her tone, but it wasn't noticeable if you weren't listening for it.

"I wasn't expecting you to be in attendance, in all honesty." Nyx chuckled, turning his attention back to me.

I shrugged, subtly moving Scarlett beside me, flashing Brandon a quick look to distract her. Although I didn't see Nyx as a threat, I didn't trust him. He had no reason to hurt me or my loved ones, but he could be unpredictable.

"We're here to see what the big fuss is all about, Nyx." I gestured to the crowd. "You talk the talk, and I wanted to see it for myself."

Nyx cocked his head, releasing a small chuckle. "And are you impressed?"

I hummed. I was not about to put my pride aside and lie to his face about enjoying his work. "Your speech was interesting. It's good to hear that you have the safety of the community as your priority."

Nyx waved away my flattery, and I almost mockingly laughed in his face. He was mistaken if he believed that I was in awe of the way he tore down weaker packs for the sake of proving his masculinity.

"I can't help but wonder if your love for the community stretches to smaller packs also." I raised my eyebrows, indicating I knew what he was doing and was in need of an explanation.

"Oh, those were just little quarrels between passionate Alphas." The casualness in his voice irked me.

"Do quarrels usually involve burning down an entire pack?"

Nyx released a loud laugh, gaining the attention of a few guests nearby. "This is why I like you, Roman. You always have the inside scoop. You know what's going on and that is the type of person I would love to have help me keep this community safe. We need someone like you."

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