The next day

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Ricks POV
I woke up at about 8:00 am the next morning and I noticed that Daryl had left my room. He was probably embarrassed about last night and wanted to avoid me. I'll give him till lunch to talk to me and if not I'll make him come on a supply run, which I needed to go anyways because Beth let me know that we was low on formula for Judith with just me and him so we can actually talk about it and get some stuff for him. Of course he's gonna argue about it but I'm used to him. I laid in bed for a little while and made a plan for today and who's going to do what and I'm going to prioritise me and Daryl going on a supply run. After I had planned out today I got dressed and headed outside to where most people were gathered waiting for carol to cook the breakfast for everyone. I looked around and noticed that neither Daryl or Carl was there. I knew where Carl would be, in his cell reading comics so I decided to go fetch him for breakfast. I headed inside towards Carl's cell to which no surprise he was there I let him know that breakfast was almost ready and we both headed outside to where everyone had gathered for breakfast. A couple of minutes minutes later we were all talking when Daryl came out, he looked me in my eyes and sat down on the opposite side of the area, indicating that he was avoiding me which I knew wouldn't last long. We all ate our breakfast once it was ready and just talked about how live was before this miserable apocalypse and some other things. Once everyone had finished eating their breakfast I let them know that there's no plans to leave the camp so some of us will be on look out, some of us will be on fence duty and some of us will just being doing chores or drifting around helping out wherever is needed and I would be doing gardening. Everyone just talked amongst each over and had gotten into there own groups as I didn't mind who went where.

Once everyone had finished discussing amongst themselves and had organised themselves into groups they all headed different directions to there chosen duties. I headed out to where the gardening was located but i had noticed that Daryl was by himself. I was kind of hoping that he would come over and help me and we could talk a bit more about his regression and so on. I was thinking to myself when I caught myself staring at Daryl. He let me know that he was still ignoring me by sticking his middle finger up at me and then walking away, of course I wasn't bothered by it as it was a typical thing for Daryl to do and plus I was going to take him on that supply run wether he likes it or not. After a couple of long, sweaty hours of gardening I had a feeling someone was watching me. I discretely looked around and noticed that Daryl was staring at me he looked like he was itching to come up and speak to me but he kept holding back like he just couldn't and walked off. After about an hour or so I had just about finished my gardening and needed toilet so I headed straight towards the bathroom. On the way there I could se Daryl but when he saw me he turned around and headed the other way which was beginning to get on my nerves because I haven't actually done anything wrong and I understand he is embarrassed a bit but he doesn't need to avoid me we could just talk about it. I headed back outside and seen that carol had began cooking lunch so I decided to head out to the fences as Carl would most likely be there. He helped out for a bit before they had to head over to lunch. He sat down with michonne and Carl and they had talked for a while while eating their meal that had been made for them. After he was done eating he announced that he needed to go on a small supply hunt and that he'd be taking Daryl with him. Rick watched as Daryl's face had dropped and he was visibly angry, he groaned and walked of mumbling curse words under his breath until he reached the car. Where he leaned up against the care with his arms crossed giving me a death stare. I deliberately took my time to get ready and leave just to annoy him as a way to get him back for ignoring me all day.

After a couple of minutes I had finished getting ready to leave and noticed that Daryl was getting a little bit more agitated which kind of made me feel guilty for taking the piss but oh well. I got into the drivers seat and Daryl got into the passenger seat and looked out of his window avoiding eye contact with me huffing and puffing in the mean time. I decided to give Daryl a couple of minutes to calm down and then give him a chance to speak up about last night and if he doesn't I'll make him talk about it. A couple of minutes have gone by and he seems to be a little more relaxed now so I give him two minutes to talk about the events of last night before I make him talk about wether he likes it or not. The two minutes have passed and there's been nothing but an awkward silence the whole time so I decide that it's the time to speak up. I say 'You know that you can't ignore me forever I'm not stupid. I know what you're doing stop avoiding me like you have been all day. We're going to have to talk at some point before people start noticing and then you'll get questioned and then you will easily annoyed until the point you cannot take it anymore. That will be your problem not mine it's not my secret that I'm hiding so I really couldn't care less. It's your decision on which path you want to go down not mine.' I think that me bluntly telling him the truth annoyed him as I got nothing but a groan and a middle finger. We continued to drive in silence but this time there was mixed emotions in the atmosphere. He was annoyed and that was quite obvious and I was quite amused that he is still being stubborn despite knowing what I said was true. I had already had a back up plan because I knew how stubborn he would be so if he decides to continue to ignore me when we arrive at the shop I'm gonna tie him to the seat, put tape over his mouth, lock him in the car and quickly grab the items I wanted to get him and the formula I need for Judith. He was clearly a young age when he regressed like a year old and maybe a little bit younger or older I'm not quite sure how specific cause he decided to give me the silent treatment. Once we arrived at the shop he was still ignoring me so I commenced my plan, which he clearly didn't like, and head into the shop as quick as I could. I didn't want to tie him up but I didn't have a choice, when he's like this he tends to run of so I wasn't risking it but I managed to get the bits and bobs. I got him; diapers+pull ups, pacifiers, baby bottles, a stuffed animal (more specifically a dog), some comfier clothes, a soft blanket and some toys. I also had grabbed formula for Judith. Once I had grabbed the things and stuffed them into my bag I headed back to the car, glad to see that Daryl was still there fighting his out of being tied up. I got back into the car and locked the car afterwards. I untied Daryl and took the piece of tape of his mouth he was clearly still annoyed but very angry. He specifically said 'What the fuck was that for? You fucking twat!' And then punched me across the face visibly giving me a black eye but I wasn't too bothered it was pretty deserved causing me too laugh a bit, so I just started the car and began to drive back towards the prison.

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