Part 1

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Travis POV:

It was the night of my very first date with Taylor. We had been messaging back and forth for months so I didn't really have the first date nerves, it was like I already knew her I just hadn't met her in person. The only reason we waited so long was because of her being in many different states for the tour. She was finally having a few weeks off and could come here to visit.

I had finally finished getting ready when my mom arrived to take Addison, my two year old daughter for the night. There was no doubt in my mind that Taylor would end up here after the dinner and I had no idea if Addison was ready to meet Taylor yet.

Once Addison had said bye and we had double checked that all of her things had been remembered I made my way to the restaurant. I couldn't wait to actually see her in person. After so many FaceTime calls and conversations I genuinely felt like I had known her forever.

As soon as she came over to our table I gave her a huge hug. It felt insane to see her in person. The height difference did make me laugh a little, especially considering she is quite tall anyway. "It's great to finally see them in person and not through a screen for once!" She told me.

I laughed a little. "Yeah it is! I'm so glad that you're here."

We talked and ate for a couple of hours before making our way back to mine. We found ourselves cuddled up on my sofa watching friends when my I phone went off. I ignored it the first and second time however the third time I knew it was important. I slowly moved up, giving Taylor time to sit up and let me move before reaching out for my phone.

I answered and immediately heard cries and my mom panicking, trying to comfort her. "Travis, Addison isn't feeling well and she wants you, ate you still out or did you get back early? If she can come home I think she would really appreciate it."

"Mom Taylor has come over to mine..." I explained

"It's okay she can stay with me." She told me before hanging up. I turned to Taylor and sighed. She had a concerned look on her face before shaking her head a little. "Why can't she come home?"

"She doesn't know you and I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Also I hate when she's sick I'm not good with puke. I kinda hoped that toy woudo stay over." I told her, feeling ashamed for sending my daughter away. I knew she needed to be at home but at the same time I really was awful when she was sick. I never knew how to deal with it, especially because I couldn't stand being around puke.

"I would be more than happy to stay and having her here wouldn't change anything. She has to meet me at some point and if you need any help with her tonight then I'm also happy to help you out." She told me. I saw the videos of her with younger fans and she really did love children and always knew how to talk to them too. Maybe she wouldn't mind having her here after all. 

I called my mom again and told her to bring her straight home. It wasn't long before the door opened and Addison came wandering over slowly, looking tired and extremely pale. She paused when she saw Taylor on the sofa before giving her a little wave. I picked her up into my lap and smiled as she cuddled closer.

She had an extremely high temperature and every now and then her color would turn green before she ran to the bathroom. I never follow her when she does this as I'm better at comforting her when she's finished. If I was to hear or see her throw up I would probably end up throwing up also. "Why don't you go to her?" Taylor asked me.

"I don't know what to do when I go in there, it makes me throw up when I see her throw up." I told her. I knew it wasn't my best parenting but I really couldn't stand the sight or sound.

"Would you be mad if maybe I went in there? I can maybe just reassure her a little, make her feel a bit more relaxed." She asked. I nodded and showed her to the bathroom before running away knowing what was going on in there.

Taylor's POV

I made my way into the bathroom slowly, seeing poor little Addison sitting on the floor, violently shaking and gagging. I knelt beside her and put one hand on her back. "Hey sweetie, is it okay if I stay with you and try to help you?" I asked.

I didn't want to just jump right in and have her feel uncomfortable so by doing this I knew that she knew why I was there and what my intentions were. She nodded a little, continuing to shake before throwing up even more. I just gently rubbed circles on her back, whispering small words and reassuring her that she was okay.

Once she had finished she lay back a little, starting to fall asleep with her head leaning against the wall of the bathroom. That was the hint that she really had got it all out and needed to go to bed. I swiftly picked her up and took her back to Travis who was waiting patiently for her to return. She crawled into his lap and curled up against him.

I knew that she wasn't my daughter and that I really didn't need to help but part of me also knew that I did. I wanted to be there for her because other than Travis there isn't anyone to help her out. I heard everything about her mother and how Travis was raising her alone and struggling. He claimed that she could be quite a brat and rude sometimes but from what I saw tonight I couldn't confirm that.

I think Travis just deep down is struggling to know what to do and is trying to ask for help. Lucky for him I was desperate for a child and seeing how adorable she was it just made me more hopeful. A stepdaughter really would be amazing. Addison really did make Travis the best option for me. I could already start to see the future.

"She's adorable Travis." I told him, smiling while watching her as she cuddled closer to him. He chuckled a little to himself before placing his hand on my hand. "Trust me you've not met her yet."

I smiled. I really did want to meet the brat side of her to see what Travis actually meant. However for now sweet cuddly Addison was just enough, even if she had no idea that I was her dad's girlfriend and what that meant.


I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Sorry if it is quite boring as I wanted to get Tay and Addison to meet asap and get on with the story.

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