Part 3

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Taylor's pov

The night of addisons meltdown at the toy store I felt absolutely awful for not letting her go back. I know it was the right thing to do but who am I to punish someone's kid. Of course Travis needed the help he asked and I helped but he should know how to do that himself, it's not exactly my job and she doesn't really know me well enough for it to become my job.

That night was rough. She had been really whiny before bed and came back over to us while we were watching tv multiple times after putting her down to bed. Travis and I were both in our room enjoying some time to ourselves when she burst through the door and ran toward the bed. Travis quickly lay down beside me, covering us both with the covers and looking over at her.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. "What was you doing daddy?" She asked so innocently. I could hear her little sniffles and whimpers which showed she had been crying.

"Oh I was just tucking Tay into bed she fell asleep." He explained. Great lie to come up with but couldn't be further from the truth. She nodded and looked at him. "Daddy you come stay with me until I asleep?"

Travis sighed and agreed before sending her back to bed. Once she had left the room he got up and put on some pants. "Tucking me in huh?" I chuckled.

He blushed a little before telling me he would be back in a little bit. While waiting I watched a full episode of grays on his tv when he finally walked in the room again. We Continued what had been interrupted before we both went straight to sleep.

The next day was eventful. I woke up to a child laying right against my back. Not what I was used to at all. I somehow had one of Travis shirts on which was also interesting since I could have sworn I fell asleep with nothing on. My guess was that she came in upset so Travis put a shirt on me before letting her in our bed.

She had never really slept with us since Travis had thought that it would make me feel uncomfortable. No matter how many times I told him that I didn't mind he still just wouldn't. This time maybe she was just too upset to be sent back to her bed.

I rolled over to face Addie and Travis who were both still fast asleep. They really did melt my heart. Addie must have been feeling so homesick, she'd moved over to my apartment so far from Kansas city and she must have really been missing her home. I looked down at her little tear stained face and instinctively brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and watched as her eyes fluttered open.

She didn't smile. Instead she whined. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her.

She just sat up and looked at me. "I want home Tay Tay I miss having toys. Can I have a hug?" She asked before She started sobbing right in front of me. I smiled at her and open my arms, watching as she practically threw herself at my body and cuddled up to me, letting out all the emotions she had been holding back.

I just let her let it all out. Maybe it was a trick to get me to buy her toys but at this point I didn't even care it was working. Eventually she fell back asleep against me and I just kept her as close as I could. Even when Travis tried to ask if I wanted to have breakfast with him before she woke up I refused. She needed someone who wasn't Travis for once, just someone new to hold her.

"How about we get some toys today, I think you learned your lesson don't you?" I asked her once she had woken up and she nodded while wiping away her tears that had remained on her face and staying close to me. I smiled and brushed some hair out of her face before taking her over to Travis and getting her some breakfast.

We made our way to the toy store for the second time in hopes it would go smoother this time. She had a $150 limit again however she seemed to hold back a lot. She seemed guilty for being allowed toys after how she acted the previous day. This just made me feel awful.

She picked up one single Barbie doll and took it over to the cashier and looked down at her feet. Once I tapped my card she passed it straight to me and walked out of the store sad. "Honey this is yours, you are allowed a lot more toys than this you can buy some more." I told her but she shook her head.

Even at home she seemed hesitant to take the doll and was overly polite but seemed shocked that I was still letting her have it. Once she ran to play with it I made my way to the door. I picked up a bunch of toys for her before buying an iPad and setting it up for her. Once it had all been sorted I made my way home and gave her the toys.

Once she had gotten over the excitement I called her over before handing the box that held the iPad. "You have to take care of this because it cost a lot more than your limit but I want you to have it so you can watch whatever you want and you can play games too. It is all set up for you."

She practically jumped into my arms, hugging and thanking me. She is so precious when she gives hugs. "You're welcome princess."

I looked over to Travis who was shocked that I had done so much for her. "Don't feel like you have to do this just because you're her step mom, I can do this if I have to. I don't want you to waste money on someone that isn't your kid."

"Travis, where is her mom? Not here... who here is the mother figure who has comforted that child all morning... me. So of course I'm going to spoil her just like any mother would because that's what she doesn't get to experience." I told him and he smiled, giving me a kiss. I loved my new little family and getting to actually play a role in Addison's life.

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