Part 6

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Time skip - Addison, age 12

Addison's pov

I hate that Taylor woman. She's been here since I was 2, and I thought it was just a phase Dad was going through. Clearly not. She always yells at me because Dad is too scared, and I hate it; I don't even do anything wrong half the time. We were all watching a movie, and s'he and Dad were all gross and talking about how they needed a romantic trip away without me. I wanna be included so that then there's no romance. I don't want any accidental siblings.

"Can you just shut up? Why do you always have to do everything without me?" I asked them, feeling left out and unimportant. They frowned a little, and both turned to look at me. I raised an eyebrow, hoping they would understand my frustration and loneliness.

"Because you're a child, we're adults, and we deserve a break," Dad told me. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Neither of you do anything anyway. You both sit around and talk about how I'm inconvenient and how you should plan something without me." I told them.

Dad tried to defend himself by telling me how difficult it is to be a single parent and how hard it has been to raise me. It's not a good enough excuse for me, though; I don't need to hear about his sad life, not when he's the reason that I'm so mad and upset. He's just trying to make me feel bad for being here. "I didn't choose to be born! You chose to keep me; you could have run away too if you wanted to, but you didn't! Why don't you leave now if that's how you feel?"

They both looked extremely confused, but I didn't care. I like causing arguments with them. I stormed off upstairs and slammed my door. Normally, when I do this, Taylor will come up to apologize and comfort me, so I often do this to get her attention. She must have caught on because this time, she didn't. Instead, I was left in my room alone.

I got called down for dinner, but decided to stay upstairs. I wanted Taylor to come and get me and cuddle me. She didn't. Instead, Dad came up. "What do you want?" I asked him, and I could see him starting to get angry.

"What's with the attitude, Addison? Stop with it. Where's your gift for Taylor?" He asked me.

What gift? She doesn't need a gift.

"It's Mother's Day, Add. Where is your gift? You always get her one. You have done it since you were 3," he explained. I laughed a little. I had a meltdown when my dad told me to get her one, and I clearly just forgot. "She's not my mom anyway," I added, which made him mad.

"It's not funny. Did you seriously not get her one? She does so much for you! She's been more of a mom to you than anyone else; don't you think she deserves it? I'm sick of you being such an ungrateful brat, and I don't care if that's what you don't want to hear; it's the honest truth!" Dad started screaming at me. He spent 15 minutes yelling at me and calling me ungrateful and rude. After calling me horrible things and making me cry, we went downstairs for dinner, where Taylor was sitting at the table patiently waiting. I wiped away my tears as I sat down and thanked her for making our food.

She looked concerned when she could tell I had been crying, but thankfully, she didn't ask in front of Dad. He's not usually like that, but recently, he has been so strict and horrible because I say how I feel instead of holding it all in. He's also usually the person who pays for the gift and buys it for me to give to her, so for him to leave me to get it was a bad idea. I don't even have a mom, so I don't track those days.

"Sorry, Taylor," I told her quietly, and she looked baffled.

"What for hun?" She replied.

"I forgot Mother's Day and acted like a brat for being ungrateful and didn't get you anything," I explained. I continued to look down while I did it. I didn't want to make eye contact because I knew I was in the wrong. I saw her coming over for a hug.

"You're not a brat or ungrateful; don't let anyone call you that, and why should you apologize? I never ever said that you have to get me a gift." She smiled and kissed the top of my head. She's always done this, and I have no idea why because she's not even my mom. I eyed dad when she mentioned not letting anyone call me a brat or ungrateful, and he looked down, clearly uncomfortable.

Taylor must have caught on because I noticed her shake her head at him when she sat back down and finished eating. I could hear them talking and Taylor sticking up for me when I was in my room that night. At least someone had my back and cared.

I just stayed in my room. It was about 7:30, but I didn't care. I don't want to be around them. They make me out to be some lousy kid all the time, and I'm not, and I get blamed for everything that ever happens. If they argue, it's always because "Addison is ruining this relationship. We never spend time together," it's not even Taylor saying that; it's dad! He can't even stand taking care of me because he can't prioritize Taylor.

He used to be so sweet with me, but since I turned 11 and can start doing stuff alone, he just hates that he has to look after me. It feels like he's pushing me away. He expects me to be happy when they do stuff together and enjoy being home alone, but I'm only 12. It's a big house and scary alone, so I normally beg to go with them. I hate being alone. I get so much anxiety alone, and no one even realizes it.


I hope you enjoyed this part!

Thank you very much to my friend jaguarsoftball  who helped me out massively with ideas and checked over the whole thing to make sure it all makes sense and has no errors.

Please leave any requests and ideas and I will make sure to get to them!

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