Part 7

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Addison's pov

The fogut was worse than I realized and suddenly I heard what I had been dreading. "If you're going to speak to me like that then get out of my fucking house! NOW!" That's what happens when dad comments get too much. Sometimes he likes to get a bit personal in arguments. Taylor was kicking us out.

Dad stomped his way up the stairs before opening my door. "Get your things we're leaving." He told me.

I watched as he slammed my door, causing me to jump a little at the loud noise. I immediately started to panic a little, do I have to get in a car with my dad while he's mad? And live with him now while he goes through a breakup? Where will we even stay tonight? I could feel my breaths getting quicker and I couldn't calm myself down.

Once I had gathered everything I walked downstairs sobbing. Taylor stood by the kitchen center island biting her nails. I watched her look over to me before opening her arms. "Come here love, it's all going to be okay." She whispered, her own tears evidently streaming down her face.

I ran over and hugged her extra tight. I felt her squeeze me a little. Despite how much I refuse to believe that I love her and everything she does to me and how much I push her away she is the closest thing to a mom I have ever had. I don't even like the thought of not having another female in the house. She has been in my life since I was 2 so she might as well have just adopted me as hers. "I want to stay with you." I cried.

Taylor just nodded. Dad must have really upset her, with his height and size he really is quite intimidating during an argument. I looked up at her, "what did he say?" I asked quietly. She shook her head and wiped away her own tears.

"It doesn't matter, nothing that you should know about." She whispered before leading me over to my dad who was at the door. He looked angry, really angry. I could already feel the anxiety in my chest. There was no way I could get in a car with him.

"NO! I wanna stay with Taylor! Please I can't go, I don't want to please!" I screamed, why should I have to lose Taylor just because my dad can't agree that he was in the wrong. He grabbed my hand and headed to the door. I could hear Taylor crying now and I pushed dad a little.

"Don't even try Addie, get in the car!" Dad yelled. I hated that, that's Taylor's nickname for me not his. How come he doesn't understand what he's leaving behind and I do? He can't just drop his whole life and leave Taylor like this, we've lived with her for 10 years and I don't want that to change. As much as I hate saying it, Taylor is my mom and he's taking me from her.

I got dragged out to the car and my dad made me get in. I cried the whole time, when dad is angry he drives faster than he probably should. I was absolutely terrified. My grip on my seatbelt got tighter and tighter. My leg was blanching with anxiety and it was so hard to breathe still. "Why do you do this to me! Are you trying to kill me because you're mad at Taylor?" I yelled, still crying.

"STOP WITH THE COMMENTS ADDISON!" He screamed. Nothing could help the scream that came from me as my dad  sped up and ended up driving just a little too fast around a tight corner.

I could hear the screech of the tires and all of a sudden we were spinning all across the road. Unfortunately we then ended up spinning straight into a huge truck. I could smell smoke and I felt so much pain. It was my side that took the hardest hit.

I must have blanked out because the next thing I could remember was a bunch of paramedics and firefighters trying to get me out of the car. I had a mask over my face giving me oxygen and dad wasn't in the car with me. He stood by the side of it. I didn't focus on that though, all I could focus on was dad on the phone. "Tay, I'm so sorry, about, please can you come. We've been in an accident."

I could hear so many drills and noises as the firefighters tried to get me out of the car. I didn't want to look, I just wanted Taylor here. The pain was absolutely unbearable, I just wanted to be out of this horrible car.

Eventually I heard a familiar voice. "Where is she? Where's Addie? Someone let me get to her?" It was Taylor. She sounded terrified but still so upset. The firefighters managed to lift me into a stretcher where I finally opened my eyes and looked straight ahead at the dark sky.

I caught Taylor's eye and she reached out for my hand. "Oh my god, don't panic, I'm here." She told me, following along to the ambulance. Dad was also beside her but he had nothing to say. He must be too ashamed to tell her that he caused this. He almost killed his own daughter just because he was so selfish and angry.

"How did this even happen?" Taylor asked, glancing over to my dad who looked down.

"Dad, he drove too fast because he was mad. Because I said something he didn't like." I told her, trying to breathe through the pain. I watched her face turn from anger to hurt.

"Trav, I was going to forgive you for everything but what the fuck? You just tried to kill your own daughter. What is wrong with you?" She asked him. I felt her hand grab mine before she continued. "Don't worry baby girl, I've got you, just keep breathing through it you're being so brave."

She must have noticed how anxious I was and how much I needed some form of comfort. "I don't try to, I was upset and I wasn't thinking straight." Dad tried but Taylor shook her head. She hopped into the back of the ambulance with us both and claimed a seat right by me. I felt her place her other hand on the top of my head before she lent down and kissed my forehead. She really is my mom and dad needs to see this.

This is why we can't leave her. Dad just doesn't realize.


I'm so sorry that the ending is so rubbish and not a great ending but I wanted to update this fanfic tonight.

I hope you enjoyed,

Please leave lots of comments I love reading them and if you have any requests let me know!

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