Part 5

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Taylor's pov

I was in my music room when I heard a loud crash sound from the kitchen. Travis had asked me to watch Addison for the day and I had put her down for a much needed nap not too long ago. I quickly jumped up and made my way into the kitchen where I found Addison sitting on the floor amongst a bunch of smashed wine bottles and puddles of red and white wine.

"Addison! Those were gifts what are you doing breaking them? That's going to stain the floor and I just got my kitchen floors redone!" I yelled, picking her up and moving her away from the glass. I placed her at the door and made my way over, beginning to clean it all up. "It not me." She murmured.

"Go to your room Addie." I sighed. I scrubbed as best as I could but it had already stained the floors, some cabinets and also my new center island seats. I had only had the bottles out on the cabinet as I had bought them as gifts for some people I work with. "I didn't do it!" She screamed.

I turned to her and looked at her in shock. She stood in the doorway sobbing and now looking terrified of me. She never yelled. I watched as she threw a shoe at me and I was quick to catch it. She just kept sobbing and telling me it wasn't her so I sighed and just sent her to her room anyway while I went to watch the security camera footage.

She was right, she didn't do it.

I went to go find her but she refused to speak to me or listen to me so I just gave up and called the flooring people to come replace the floorboards that had been stained. While they were here I stood chatting to them and watching as they did my floors.

I felt a little hand grab onto two of my fingers and I looked down, meeting Addison's gaze. She still had tears in her eyes and on her face and I watched as she clung to me and started crying and apologizing. I nodded and picked her up and she just cried to me about how it wasn't her. "I know it wasn't kiddo, I know, it's okay. Let it all out, it's okay." I told her as I rubbed her back and walked around my apartment trying to point out things to distract her.

Eventually I found myself laying on the sofa with her while she had a little nap. I felt awful for blaming her but she was sitting in the middle of it all. I just presumed but maybeI shouldn't have.

Travis got home quite late so I had to put her to bed, the day was very on and off,Addison would barely speak to me but at the same time she was desperate for my attention and to be held. It felt so weird, any time I would go to talk to her she looked at me terrified. I didn't know that an accidental false accusation could cause such panic in a child.

"Travis I have to confess." I told him, looking down and feeling absolutely awful. He nodded a little and sat beside me hugging me.

"I upset Addie because I thought she smashed wine everywhere and I blamed her and sent her to her room and I feel awful because it was the cats and when I went to apologize she wouldn't listen to me and she was crying then eventually she was fine but now she won't speak to me." I rambled, taking a deep breath at the end and flashing him a sad smile. He laughed a little to himself.

"I know." He told me. I shot up and looked over, now panicking about how he knew and what had been said. "She FaceTimed me from her iPad when she was crying and I could hear you trying to talk to her and apologize in the background, I told her to stop being unreasonable and that you do a lot for her."

I smiled a little and nodded. We cuddled for a while before heading to bed. Just as I turned off the lights and got in bed I saw him turn over to look at me. "She loved you Tay. She's just grouchy because mommy child day is happening at preschool and she's the only kid with no one to go with her that's all. She isn't holding a grudge."

He fell asleep before I could get any information from him.

Being the amazing stepmom I am, despite only knowing the girl for a few weeks I made the decision to drop her off at preschool on mommy child day. She had been teary eyed all morning and had tried to protest but a lot of cuddles and bribery meant that I got her in the car. As we made it to the preschool I got her out and she immediately broke down crying in front of me, watching all the kids and their moms go inside.

I knelt down in front of her and took both of her hands in mine. "Hey, Addie. Calm down, you're okay, it's going to be fine. You're not the only kid who's mommy can't go okay. You'll be fine. Besides they never said that your cool step mommy can't go did they?" I asked her with a huge smirk on my face.

She looked up at me still crying and just hugged onto me tightly. "You gonna come?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course I am, princess. I wasn't going to miss it. I might not be your mommy but I'm the one who gets you up in the morning and drops you off here and picks you up if daddy is at work. And who makes your dinner and tucks you in almost every night? I am just as much of a mommy as any other moms in there." I told her, wiping away her little tears and grabbing her coat and backpack. She smiled massively and jumped up and down excitedly.

We both went on in. It was weird at first and a lot of kids found it weird that Addison called me Tay Tay and not mom. Every time she got asked the question I found her slowly getting closer and closer until she was practically hiding herself against me. It was bound to happen though, little kids don't understand unless they have been through it.

I could tell by the end of the day that Addison felt completely defeated by the whole day and the situation so I was nice and stopped for some ice cream on the way back. "Did you have fun with me today? It wasn't too bad was it?" I asked, I saw her little smile from behind her ice cream cone. I hadn't even told Travis so I just had to hope he wouldn't mind me going and filling a space that needed to be filled for the day.

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