Part 4

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Taylor's pov

It was a few days later and I was taking care of Addison for the day. Travis had to be at football practice all day so I offered, I had nothing to do apart from a session at the studio later on which she could come along to and Travis could grab her when he's done anyway. It saved him from asking his parents especially since we lived together now it would be stupid to not offer.

We were originally having a day watching movies however she begged hour hours for me to play Barbie's with her so I eventually had to agree. "Okay what do you wanna play with the Barbie's?"

"Famiwy." She told me as she handed me both parents and she took the two smaller, childlike Barbie's. I frowned a little looking at them both. I didn't want to have to do both parents.

"Do you not want the mommy? Kids your age love getting to have the mommy and the baby." I told her as I handed the older Barbie to her. She immediately threw it at me, it hit me straight in the face but it was obvious that the topic of conversation was sensitive to the small girl. She rapidly shook her head, backing away from me.

"Okay okay why don't you want to play the mommy?" I asked her as I took the doll back.

"What is a mommy opposed do?" She asked me so innocently. That one tugged my heart a little. I looked down and accepted the offer to play the doll. As we went along with the little game I noticed Addison observing how I made the doll act and how I had her be around the 'child' dolls. It was like her heart was breaking right in front of me.

"Why no one do that for me?" She asked me, her eyes filling with little tears. I gave her a sad smile and just opened my arms for her. I watched as she stood up and toddled over to me, placing herself in my lap, facing away from me. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and swayed from side to side while she cried it all out.

I wiped her tears away and pulled her closer to me, landing my head to the side. I looked at her little face. Her pout was quite adorable. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and gently brushed some hair out of her face. "Is that all you want sweetie? Is this why you have been giving daddy a tough time?" I asked her.

She nodded a little. She explained to me how she thought that if she annoyed her dad enough that maybe he would let her see her mommy or that she would be sent to her mommy and get to know what it's like to have one like other kids do. I tightened the grip of my hug and gave her yet another kiss on her tear stained cheek.

"Well if you would like me to I can do all of that for you. I can give you cuddles and help comfort you if you're sad. And I can teach you new things and take you to cool places just like a mommy would. I know it's not the same because I'm only daddy's girlfriend to you but I can still do that." I told her. She nodded a little and turned around to hug me tightly. I smiled even wider.

"Do you want to try some cool new things at the studio?" I asked her. She nodded eagerly and stood up jumping up and down. "Okay well you gotta dry those tears first and give me a big smile to show me you're okay and you're feeling better."

She immediately followed my instructions and we both got ready to go to the studio. On the way I stopped by Starbucks and got her a hot chocolate and a cake pop which she was extremely excited about. Apparently her daddy didn't do this for her when they went out. I'm just glad to be the cool one.

Once we got to the studio she sat and watched me get a few recordings done then during a break me and my recording team allowed for her to try some things. She got to sing a little song into the microphone and we helped her play some instruments too which we layered into the background. At the end we played the final product and it was amazing to see her proud little face light up with excitement.

"We can play this for daddy later, would you like that?" I asked her and she jumped up and down nodding her head with excitement. I smiled, listening to the track one more time. Maybe she would end up in a similar career as me. She seemed to love the instruments.

I finished off in the studio earlier than expected so we had ended up home before Travis meaning that I had to start making dinner. Ugh. Addison helped me out a little and then by the time Travis got home it was all ready. We all sat down together and ate, catching up on each others days and talking about all the activities we had done.

"Daddy, can Tay Tay be my mommy?" Addison asked, I almost choked on my food. I quickly lifted my glass and took a sip looking over at Travis who also seemed shocked. He seemed to take a while to think of what to say.

"Well if that's what you want and if tay is okay with that then that's fine by me but it has to be okay with Taylor." He explained to her. Suddenly her head turned to me and so did Travis'. I just dropped my fork and cleared my throat.

"It's fine by me." I told them. I didn't want to sound too enthusiastic about it but I also didn't want to not sound excited enough. I needed a perfect in the middle which showed I was okay about it but not forcing her to see me in that way.

Travis smiled at me and kissed the side of my head while Addison ran over for a hug. I scooped her into my lap and gave her some cuddles before sending her to go eat up her food. I do not waste food that I spent time cooking. "We show daddy now?" She asked me.

Travis looked extremely confused so I smirked at him before pulling out my phone and pressing play on the recording. He smiled a little as he listened to her little voice singing along. I noticed tears welling up in his eyes from how proud he felt. While he continued to listen I signaled for Addison to go give him a hug while I gently rubbed his back a little.

"She's gonna go far in life." I told him, locking my phone and giving Addison a high five. I'd never seen him cry before, ever.


So so so sorry for neglecting this story guys hah I just didn't know what to write and I've been so busy.

I hope you enjoyed.

Feel free to comment as much as you like and give me any requests you have as they help me out a lot!

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