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“The… tr… Trocadéro?” I mumble, stuffing a few things into my jean pockets.

Keys? Check. Extra hair ties? Check. Phone? Double check.

“What's going on there?”

Pulling my phone out I held it up to show the competition flier that Marin created, “Competition between my classmates.”

That boy is seriously talented, not only with his fingers, wink wink, but also technology.

At least… most of the time.

Whenever he's not clumsy.

“Be safe, text me when you get there.”

Nodding I kicked on some shoes, exiting the building.

Reina isn't as bad as she started out, a few attitudes here and there but everything is okay.

She brought up my family at one point, but that ended quickly when I held her eye contact.


The walk to the Trocadéro was nice and peaceful. Nothing to worry about since this is suppose to be Alix’s day of akumatization.

Y/n!” Sounds and greetings of delight made me feel better about joining the class there.

Marin held up his banner for me, “Thoughts?”

Gasping, I looked at it closely, admiring every stitched detail, “It's beautiful.”

“Beautiful?” The accent in his voice sent a flutter through my body.

Good! Pretty!” My hands made gestures of something blowing up. “Beautiful.”

Glancing over at the group, Adrien pointed to his lips mouthing something to me.

B.. e.. l…l..e


Marin perked up tilting his head, “Oh,” he chuckled, “I could understand the description.

What a man…

“You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me.” Kim sneers pointing to himself.

Spoke too soon, Kim.” The strawberry hair girl riled up on her skates prompting cheers from the others, “Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!”

You're no match for me. My neck is bigger than your thigh.”

I couldn't stop the laugh that left my mouth, “What?”

Alya looked over to me, “Is that a good thing?”

Don't ask me.

Max pushes Kim and Alix away from each other, “Let's review the official rules. Two laps around the fountains; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. If Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year.”

We're through with all of those stupid dares!”

Uh-huh, that's right!”

No more dares!”

The two get into their positions, Max standing between them, “On your marks, get set…”

Little Lies | Adrien A. x Fem!Reader x Male! Marinette D.Where stories live. Discover now