The Bubbler

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Reina sighed tossing a outfit onto my comforter covered body, “You NEED to go to school. Get dressed.” She turned on her heel to my door.

“Wait!” She paused, “H-high school?” please say yes, please say yes.


Maybe the old version of me asked dumb question. Maybe that's the reason she takes answering them in stride.

“But-” I already don't know how to speak normal French. How the hell do you me to deal with that shit?!

Narrowed eyes sent me a warning in disguise.


She left the room closing it with a small click.

My eyes fell to the clothes of a simple pair of jeans and a shirt then up to the room.

My *new* room.

Easy to tell since boxes had yet to be opened, many labeled different things, ‘bathroom’, ‘bedroom’ ‘ornamates’ ‘fun’

I'm a little worried to see what could be in ‘fun’. A little intrigued as well.


She had yet to leave from right in front of the door.

“I'M MOVING!” I hiss back, rolling off the creaking bed, “Damn woman.”

Everything else moved quickly, the walk to school, the ‘don't do anything bad’ talk, and the ‘Be safe, have a good day.’ send off.

And yet walking into school sent dejavu into my system, probably just because it looks exactly like the middle school one in the show.

My fingers tapped the door labeled, ‘principal's office’

Come in!” A gruff voice calls from behind the doors.

Taking a deep breath I pushed it open finding Mr. Damocles sitting behind his desk.

How may I help you?”

My mouth fluttered as my brain tried to think of how to pronounce some new words, “New student.”

His eyes traced over my form before dropping down to a folder on the right side of his desk. His thick fingers opened it, skimming through the contents, “Ah yes, our new foreign exchange student. Y/n, right?

Yes.” My eyes rolled trying to process one of his words, “Right.”

He smiled at my structure of wording standing from his desk, “Collège Françoise Dupont has so many beautiful opportunities and people to meet.” He made his way besides me, “Follow me to your first class.”

“Uhh… Right.” I repeat, following after him.

It may be hard to make friends at first.” He glanced back to me, deciding whether to say something else as we walked to the other side of the hall, “Although I don't think you should worry about that in the slightest.”

Blah blah blah.

His voice eventually blanked out in my head. Whether I was just bored, or tired of listening to him speaking. Either way, who cares?

Without knocking he pushed the door open, welcoming himself with a finger pointed at me to wait, “Good morning students, I'm pleased to say that you have a new classmate joining you.

Little Lies | Adrien A. x Fem!Reader x Male! Marinette D.Where stories live. Discover now