Chapter 4: The Cerulean Cave's Mega Evolution Battle

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(While arriving at Cerulean City, Mew and her friends have heard about a mysteriously strong Pokemon.)

(in Cerulean Cave, even from Misty's sisters.)

(With that, they decide to investigate.)

(After traveling deep in the cave, they find that the treasures are Mega Stones.)

(Then, they end up meeting a Mewtwo that ends up attacking them.)

(Before the Mewtwo can attack them, they end up meeting the Mewtwo they knew from New Island.)

(With Mewtwo's help, Mew has the Mega Stones and is able to use them to help her Pokemon begin to Mega Evolve.)

(Now in the cave, Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Mega Evolve!"

(Soon, Charizard is the first to Mega Evolve and transform to a new form.)

(Soon, all of Mew's other Pokemon begin to Mega Evolve too.)

(When Aerodactyl Mega Evolves, its eyes turn green and its body begins to turn to stone.)

(which some researchers believe was its original appearance before fossilization.)

(It grows larger and sprouts jagged black spikes all over its body.)

(five spikes at the wrist joint of each wing replacing its hands.)

(three small spikes along its tail, one spike on each ear, and a long spike on its chin.)

(The spike on its back and its rear talons have also become black and stony.)

(Rocky plates cover its eyebrows and the corners of its jaw.)

(Similar stone ornaments are present on its chest on its torso: two small ridges flanking a longer ridge.)

(Next Beedrill gains more defined features.)

(The antennae are shorter and T-shaped.)

(Its eyes become longer and sleeker.)

(It now has three pairs of wings; the uppermost pair is larger with a black trim along the top.)

(Its stingers become longer and larger, resembling lances.)

(Additional conical, black-and-yellow stingers with white tips take the place of its legs.)

(Its abdomen becomes larger, grooved and is attached to its thorax by a black structure.)

(A similar black structure connects its head and thorax.)

(The stinger on its abdomen is now a pale yellow, and it now has black stripes over its entire body.)

(Then Gengar Now a portion of its body sinks into the ground and its arms and tail lengthen.)

(The lower portions turn a more reddish-purple, and a third eye appears on its forehead.)

(This new unblinking eye is oval, yellow, and allows it to see into other dimensions.[2])

(The spikes on Mega Gengar's back are more numerous and pointed.)

(and additional spikes appear on its hands and tail.)

(Its ears are now considerably longer and tilt backward.)

(Next is Gyarados, it becomes bulkier.)

(The fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a yellow tint.)

(Its crest is larger and black, and its barbels also gain considerable length.)

(A large spike extends downward underneath its chin.)

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