Chapter 6: The Pokeball Peril

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(After their little adventure on the ramshackle airship.)

(and having to deal with Team Rocket.)

(Mew and her friends walk out of the airship.)

(and are very glad to be back on ground floor.)

(Not only that, but Mew caught herself two new Pokemons: Plusle and Minun.)

(Still, they have an errand to do for Professor Oak.)

(And so, they're now walking on the trail in the hot sun of Valencia Island.)

(to find Professor Ivy's lab to pick up the mysterious Pokeball.)

(Mew happily sighs and says.)

Mew: "What a beautiful place."

Misty: "Yeah. The weather is perfect."

(Misty says.)

Tomo: "Maybe we should take a little swim."

(Tomo suggests.)

(But Brock says.)

Brock: "We can have fun after we get that Pokéball."

Tomo: "Okay,"

(Tomo replies with a nod.)

(Soon, the group stops on the hill, to see the city up ahead.)

Misty: "So, where is Professor Ivy's laboratory, anyway?"

(Misty wonders.)

Brock: "I'm afraid I don't."

(Brock says.)

Mew and Tomo: "Me neither,"

(Mew and Tomo say.)

(Even the Pokemon shake their heads in reply.)

(Misty sighs and says.)

Misty: "I guess we'll just have to find it."

(Soon, Pikachu notices something.)

Pikachu: "Pi? Pika Pi! ("Huh? Mew!")

(Mew and the others turn to see a building that seems rather different.)

(It has green walls, with red designs, and a strange looking roof.)

Mew: "That looks like a Pokemon Center."

(Mew says.)

(The group heads over and walks inside.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Anybody here?"

Brock: "I wonder if there are Nurse Joys in the Orange Islands."

(Brock replies.)

(Right on cue, Nurse Joy and Chansey arrive to greet them.)

(Nurse Joy says.)

Nurse Joy: "Welcome to the Pokémon Center."

Mew: "Some things never change."

(Mew comments.)

(Brock is the first to come up to her and holds her hand.)

Brock: "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Are you related to any of the other Nurse Joys?"

Nurse Joy: "I'm the second cousin of the sister-in-law of the Joy in Saffron City. Have you ever been to Saffron City?"

(Nurse Joy answers.)

Brock: "Oh, yes. It's beautiful, like you are."

(Brock says.)

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