Chapter 17: The Snack Attack

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(After earning the Sea-Ruby Badge on Navel Island.)

(Mew is a step closer to participating in the Orange League.)

(As of now, Mew and her friends continue riding on Lapras on the ocean blue.)

(searching for a new Island adventure.)

(Just then, Pikachu notices something and calls out.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu!" (Guys! Look ahead!)

(Everyone hears Pikachu and looks to see an island.)

(Tomo calls out.)

Tomo: "Hey, look!"

(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Oh yeah! We're coming up on what they call the Seven Grapefruit Islands."

Misty: "Grapefruit Islands?"

(Misty says.)

Tracey: "Yeah, all the Islands are supposed to be covered with grapefruit groves. Come to think of it, the grapefruits should be getting ripe right about now."

(Tracey explains.)

Mew: "Why don't we stop an' check 'em out?"

(Mew suggests.)

(Misty agrees.)

Misty: "Let's go!"

Tomo: "Yeah. Let's go."

(Tomo says.)

(Mew then turns to Lapras.)

Mew: "Lapras, full speed to the Grapefruit Islands!"

(Lapras happily squeals.)

Lapras: "To Grapefruit Islands!"

(And with that, Lapras sails the group to Grapefruit Island.)

(In no time, Mew and her friends reach Grapefruit Island.)

(and soon find a lot of fruits on the trees.)

Mew: "Wow, just look at the size of them! They're humongous!"

(Mew says, amazed.)

(She then reaches to the tree and picks one of the fruits.)

Misty: "They look delicious!"

(Misty says.)

(Togepi happily says.)

Togepi: "Toki, toki toki…" (Very, very yummy...)

Pichu: "Pichu!" (Yummy!)

(Pichu happily says.)

(Suddenly, they hear someone calling out.)

???: "Stop! Stop thieves!"

(They turn their heads to see a young woman with dark green hair and a pink outfit charging towards them with a stick in her hand.)

Misty: "Did she say, thieves?"

(Misty wonders.)

Tracey: "That's terrible!"

(Tracey says.)

Tomo: "Well, I hope she catches 'em,"

(Tomo replies.)

(Then Mew wonders.)

Mew: "And why is she running toward us?"

(Soon, the woman charges at them and calls out.)

???: "I caught you red-handed!"

(This shocks the group as the girl tries to attack Mew with a stick.)

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