Chapter 10: The Crystal Onix

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(Mew and her friends continue their journey.)

(on the sea of the Orange Island on Lapras on a bright and sunny day.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "You holding up okay, Lapras?"

(Lapras replies with glee.)

(Even Pikachu, Eevee, Togepi, Pichu, Meloetta, and Skwovet are happy.)

(Just then, Tracey notices something through his binoculars.)

Tracey: "Hey, what's that?"

(Everyone looks to notice a bottle is floating in the water.)

(Lapras swims over and catches it in his mouth.)

(He then picks it up from the waver and brings it to Mew.)

(Mew takes it and says.)

Mew: "Thank you, Lapras.

(Mew looks at the bottle and notices.)

Mew: "Hmm, there's a paper inside. A message perhaps?"

Misty: "Probably a letter,"

(Misty says.)

(Pikachu wonders.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pika?" (What does it say?)

Mew: "I'll open it and find out."

(Mew says.)

(Mew then opens the bottle, takes out the letter to unfold it.)

Mew: "Somebody from one of the islands nearby must have thrown it in the ocean."

(Mew says.)

Mew: "Let's see what it says."

(Mew says, opening the letter.)

(She then reads.)

Mew: "If you know anything about a Pokemon called the Crystal Onix, let me know right away.' And it's signed, Marissa from Sunburst Island."

Misty: "The Crystal Onix?"

(Misty questions.)

Tracey: "Yeah, it's supposed to be an Onix made of glass crystal."

(Tracey says.)

(Tomo asks.)

Tomo: "Is it really real?"

Tracey: "Who knows? But there are people who say they've seen it."

(Tracey says.)

Mew: "I'd sure like to see it. Wouldn't you?"

(Mew replies.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pika!" (Of course I would!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee," (I sure like to meet it.)

(Eevee replies.)

(Just then, Lapras let out a cry, saying.)

Lapras: 'Land ho!"

(Mew turns her head.)

Mew: "Hey, look!"

Tracey: "There's Sunburst Island."

(Tracey says.)

(After arriving on the island.)

(Mew and her friends decide to walk around the island to come across the marketplace.)

(They are amazed to see so many different stands and their wares.)

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