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It's been two month since Shoyo's kidnapping and its been a month since he would gets occasional nightmare. The only people that were able to calm him down were, Tobio and Shouyou. Tobio would held him as he spoke to his Dad on the phone. Shouyou would tell him a random stories about anything and everything.

Shouyou started visiting their house very Often, It took him a very long time to apologize for everything and gain the permission of Tobio's Parents and Uncles to start dating him. At first' they were hostile but they slowly started to warm up to him. Especially Tooru, he gave Shouyou a taste of hell,

Shouyou remembers it was his first time Sleeping over at Kageyama's house. The dinner was great.

Everyone went to sleep while Shouyou and Tobio were awake watching a movie, the movie was romantic, and it was perfect opportunity to kiss the Omega, as if Sensing his thoughts, Oikawa Tooru called Tobio.

"Tobio-chan, have you seen my knee medicine? I can’t find it anywhere!"

Tobio exchanges a helpless glance with Shouyou, He held Tobio's hand giving him puppy dog eyes. Tobio just smiled "I will come back quickly promise."

Tobio gets up "I’ll be right there, papa".

Shouyou pouts the entire time Tobio was away, when he saw the omega coming back to him he quickly grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into his lap.

"Did Oikawa san went to sleep?"

The omega giggles "Yes"

"Really?" He asked nuzzling into Tobio's chest.

"Mn." Tobio wrap his arms around the Alpha's neck.

"Ok, now give me my kiss".

Shouyou nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Tooru's voice again.

"Tobio Chan, have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere!"

"Coming papa, just a moment".  Tobio got out of shouyou's Lap quickly as if caught red handed doing something illigal. He was as red as Tomato.

"I..I will be back, papa needs me." He quickly went out of the room.

Shouyou groans  into his pillow, that night Shouyou sleep without a kiss. Though Tobio did kiss him on the cheeks when he came back. He will never know.

(Flashback end)

Now a days Tooru some what mellowed out. And Shouyou Couldn't be anymore thankful.

After the kidnapping of Shoyo and other children, the Black Jackals discover that the Serpents are behind it. The Serpents produce illegal drugs that affect omegas and alphas, and they use kidnapping as a way to test these drugs.

Bokuto punches the table in anger "Those bastards! They’re using innocent children for their experiments!"

Kyōtani was furious as well "We have to stop them. They can’t get away with this".

Shouyou's eyes were filled with so much Fury "We will. Kenma, can you trace their drug production sites?"

Kenma nodded "I’m on it. I’ll find where they’re producing these drugs".

Their Captive has finally opened his mouth all thank to Akaashi 's briliant torture methods.

They got the real name of this Serpent Daiki Matsumoto along with his vital information about him.

The Black Jackals are in their war room, meticulously planning the  strike on the Serpents' drug production facilities. The atmosphere is tense but focused.

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