Melanie solves a case.

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Everyone turned to her with a confused look on her face.

"What?" Friday asked.

"I'll tell you but first we need to help Susan" Melanie said walking over to her.

"Friday you take her left side, and take the right."

Melanie grabbed Susan's under arm, Friday did the same and they hoisted her up onto her feet.

"Now support her from the back" Melanie said giving Friday a (watch out) look "Now I'll just let go..." Melanie slipped out from Susan's arm "And she'll stand on her sprained ankle, which causes her no pain because she never sprained it in the first place."

Susan landed on her ankle perfectly and everyone gasped.

"You, you faked it" Trea stuttered in disbelief "why would you do that."

Susan said nothing, her cheeks turned bright red.

Melanie answered "Isn't it obvious, Susan has been under so much pressure. All because of some stupid play. You judged her costume, telling her to her face that she looked like a match stick."

Everyone glanced at Trea who was staring at the floor like she was concentrating on each and every scratch on the floor boards. When in reality she was ashamed of how she behaved.

Melanie turned to Mirabella "And you tried to replace her, because you thought one nappy commercial makes you better actor." It was Mira's turn to look ashamed.

Friday started to make sense of the situation "That explains your dancing. You had the ability to dance it perfectly until you listened to Trea." Friday said giving Susan a hug from the side.

"Exactly" Melanie nodded "That's why she cut the chandelier ropes."

Ian smacked his forehead in realization "Thats what you and Mira were talking about. How didn't I notice this"

Melanie smiled "Because you were too busy staring at Friday."

Friday blushed and glanced at Ian.

"IWASNOT" Ian hissed through his teeth. 

The Case of the wrecked rehearsal (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now