Bike Rides Nd Shit

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Sunday morning, 10:00 am, Nicole and Sally were planning on biking around town and stopping at grab and go. "You ready to go?" Sally questions. "Yup." Nicole replied. They walk outside and get on their bikes. They go around town and stop by the grab and go. When they get there, Nicole sees that tall blond male. Playing pinball as always. "Nicole! Come over here" Sally yells out to her. She walks over there to pay for snacks. She looks behind her to get a glance of Vance and catches him staring at her. Once she looked at him, he looked away. Soon after a couple minutes, Vance walks over to Nicole and Sally. "Oh look, the fag has her friend." Vance says in a deep tone. "Okay what is ur problem." Nicole says. "My problem is that your being fags." Vance replies back. "And I never got ur name.". "My name? Oh it's Nicole." She said. "Such a pre- awful name." Vance said sounding nervous. "Nicole can I talk to you?" Vance asked. "Sure?" She said. He grabs her arm and pulls her to the side. "Be careful with some shitheads at that school. I know I may seem like one but it's only to Sally. I don't like her. Also if you walk home be careful, there is a person called the grabber on the loose taking kids." Vance said quietly. "Okay?.." she said back. Before Vance walks off, he slightly grabs her hand and walks off. "What was that about?" Sally asked. "I don't know. We should go. We have school tomorrow." Nicole replied back. "Okay! Bye Nicole!" , "bye Sally!" Nicole's head is spinning as she rides her bike back home. She is scared since Vance told her a kidnapper was in her town. She got home and shut the front door. She walks to her room and opens her window. She grabs her radio and plays her music and grabs her electric guitar. In the middle of playing, she hears a voice out from her window. She didn't think anything of it so she layed down. A couple minutes past and her eyes are shut. Until a voice is coming from her bedroom. She opens her eyes to see Vance standing in her doorway. "Hi." Vance says. "What are you doing here?! How did you even get in?" Nicole asked. "Through the window. listen, I need a place to stay. My mom is drunk and I don't wanna be near her." Nicole grunts as she gets out of bed and makes room for Vance. "Here, that's ur side. Now just don't be too loud because I'm trying to sleep. Goodnight Vance." She said. "Goodnight Nicole." Vance said.

"Pinball" Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now