Vance is gone. And so are you.

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Nicole gets to class on Monday at 10:30. She is waiting for Vance since he told her that he is going to the grab n go. And suddenly a new kid walks in. He is as tall as Nicole, wearing a white and blue long sleeve with jeans. "This is our new student, Finney Blake." The teacher spoke out. She thought in her head that he looked nice. "Well Mr. Blake since Vance isn't here, sit by that young lady in the white shirt and grey cargo jeans." She was talking about Nicole.

--------------------  NICOLE'S POV ---------------------
she told the new kid to sit by me. I thought he looked really kind. He came over to me and sat down. "Hey." He said. He had a deep voice but not too deep. Vance had a deeper one. God I'm worried about him. He told me about the grabber and I'm worried if he got taken by him. "Oh sorry hi, I was zoning out." I said back to him. I was zoning out about Vance. "Did you hear?" He asked. "Hear about what?" I said back. "Vance has gone missing, the police can't find him and they don't know where he is." He said. My heart sank. Vance is missing. "oh." I said holding back tears.

-------------- NO ONES POV --------------------------
Nicole raised her hand. "May I use the restroom?" She asked. The teacher nodded and let her go to the bathroom. Finney looked confused why her eyes were starting to look puffy. He realized.

------------------- FINNEYS POV -----------------------
Holy shit. I think shes crying, was she Vances gf? There is no way, that would be impossible unless he has a soft spot for her. I need to check on her. "Miss, may I use the restroom?" I asked. She nodded and I got out of my seat and walked out the door. I headed to the bathroom but instead of going to the boys bathroom, I went into the girls to check on that girl. "Hey, it's Finney, are you okay?" I asked yelling out. She came out of the stall. Her eyes were puffy. "Holy shit, are you okay?" I asked. She didn't say anything. She just ran up to me and gave me a hug. I didn't want to be rude so I hugged her back. " I never got ur name, what is it?" I said while still hugging her. "It's Nicole" she replied back. "Were you Vance's gf?" I asked. "No, we were just close friends but I think he liked me." She said. "It's gonna be okay.." I said while rubbing her back.

---------------------    NO ONES POV  ------------------
The bell rings, it's time to go home, she wipes her eyes and walks out of the bathroom and grabs her bag and walks out. She continues walking until she sees a man fall over with grocery bags "hah, silly old me. Why dont you look at that" he said showing me a broken egg "would you hand me my hat?" The man asked "of course" she said back. She gave him back his hat. " I am a part time magician, would you like to see a magic trick?" He asked. He was holding a weird can while shaking it. "Are those black balloons?" She asked. "A- yeah" he said. He grabbed the black balloons and put them on her trying to get her in the van and when she tried to scream, he put the can stuff in her mouth and shoves her in the van and shuts the door and drives off.

(590 WORDS 😭)

"Pinball" Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now