Eggs and soda

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Nicole wakes up in a dark basement with only one mattress. She sits up to see Vance sitting at the edge of the bed. "Vance?!" She said. He turned around and Nicole looked at him and he had a bloody nose, blood on his shirt, and his hair was messed up. "Vance are you okay what happened to you?" She yelled out. "I played the game. I played naughty boy." He said. "What's naughty boy?" She Asked. "You don't want to know. And I don't want it to happen to you." He said back. Nicole ran to the door and tried to open it but didn't realize it was locked. "Don't try and open it, I already did. It doesn't work it's locked." He said. Nicole heard footsteps so she ran onto the mattress and was breathing heavily. The grabber came down with a plate of eggs and soda. "I made you some food." He said. "What did you put in that?" She asked him. "Salt and pepper." He said. "Eat it, don't eat it. it doesn't really matter. You're already down here so I don't have to drug you." He said. "And don't think your little friend is going to save you. He's already too weak." He said. Nicole was looking back at Vance. "Vance, eat the food. You need it" Nicole says. "What's the point. I'm gonna die anyway." He replied. "No ur not. We're gonna find a way to get out." Nicole said. "I've tried everything, nothing's worked." He said. She looks around the room for suggestions to find a way out. She finds a phone beside the mattress. "Why didn't you just use the phone?" She asked. "It doesn't work." He replied. There really is no way for the two to get out . "Vance I don't care if we aren't getting out . You need to eat. " She said while handing the tray to him. He nodded and started to eat the food like there was no tomorrow. Nicole let him eat his food because he was starving. Soon after that they were getting ready to sleep. They had no pillows or blankets, just a mattress. Nicole fell asleep first and Vance wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck before falling asleep.

"Pinball" Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now