CHAPTER 5: Tears of the Past...

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NOTE: Names for each character:
-Com: Chase

Commander POV

He never imagined he would be leading troops into battle. But now, as a seasoned World Leader Commander, he knew that his experience and strategic thinking would be crucial in the upcoming war. With tears in his eyes, he silently vowed to do whatever it takes to protect his people and emerge victorious.

11 years back..

"Hey, guys, I have to tell you guys something." Chase reluctantly revealed that he had been enlisting into the army, leaving his friends shocked and worried about his safety. Despite their concerns, Chase knew he had a duty to fulfill and was determined to make them proud.

"I'll never forget you, Lily." Chase whispered to his childhood friend, knowing that his decision would change their lives forever. He hugged her tightly, promising to return home safely once the war was over.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Chase?" Lily asked, her voice filled with concern. Chase nodded, his eyes reflecting his unwavering determination.

"I have to do this," he replied firmly, before turning and walking towards his destiny.

As he walked away, Chase could feel the weight of his friends' worried gazes on his back, but he knew he had made the right choice. The sound of gunfire in the distance only fueled his resolve to fight for what he believed in. With each step he took, Chase felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins, propelling him forward towards the unknown. The thought of Lily waiting for him back home gave him the strength to push through his fear and face the challenges ahead.

As Chase was inside the truck, he wrote a letter to his former parents:

In it, he expressed his gratitude for their love and support, but also his need to follow his own path. He promised to keep them updated on his journey and hoped they would understand his decision.

Father, Mother, I hope you can find it in your hearts to support me as I embark on this new chapter in my life. I promise to always carry your love with me, no matter where my journey takes me. Thank you for everything, and please know that I will always cherish the memories we shared together.

He shed a tear as he folded the letter and placed it in an envelope, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement for the future. With a deep breath, he sealed the envelope and addressed it to his parents, ready to begin his new adventure.

Fast-forward to present time

He still keeps the letter as a reminder of where he came from and the love that supported him along the way. The memories of that emotional moment continue to fuel his determination and gratitude in all that he does.

"Hey Com, you alright?" Ranger asked, noticing the distant look in his friend's eyes. Commander smiled, holding up the old letter and saying, "Just reminiscing about where it all began."

"And what about your childhood friend?" Commander chuckled,

"Oh, she's doing well too. We still keep in touch." Ranger nodded, understanding the significance of the letter and the bond it represented between Commander and his childhood friend.

"I wonder what's taking the transportation trucks to pick us up to Blitz Grassy Isles." Commander shrugged, "Who knows, maybe they got stuck in traffic or had a delay." Ranger chuckled, "Well, at least we have some time to catch up before the mission."

"Jesus Christ..." Ranger exclaimed, looking at his watch.

"We're going to be late if those trucks don't arrive soon." Commander nodded in agreement,

"Let's make the most of this time and enjoy the moment."

10 minutes later bc idk what to put lol

"About time they arrived!" Commander said with relief as the transportation trucks finally pulled up. "Let's gear up and get ready for the mission," Ranger said, eager to get started. 


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