CHAPTER 3: Retaliation

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Civilian POV

This war has ruined everything. I watched in despair as my once peaceful world was torn apart by the ongoing conflict. I could only hope for a swift end to the devastation and a return to normalcy.

"I can't believe this happened to Portland." Levi, a commoner, muttered as he surveyed the destruction around him. The sound of explosions in the distance served as a grim reminder of the ongoing chaos that had consumed their city. The sound of explosions echoed in the distance, a constant reminder of the chaos that had consumed our city. I knew that we had to hold on to hope, no matter how bleak things seemed.

"We have to stay strong and fight back," I whispered to myself, determined to do whatever it took to survive.

"Hey, Jean." I said to my wife.

"What's the matter?" Jean turned to me with tears in her eyes

"I'm just scared, Levi. I don't know if we can make it through this." I took her hand in mine and squeezed it reassuringly,

"We'll find a way, together. We have to keep believing in each other."

"We need to stick together and keep each other safe," I said, reaching out to hold her hand tightly. "We'll get through this, I promise." I reassure her, as we both looked out at the destruction surrounding us. Together, we knew we could overcome the challenges ahead and emerge stronger on the other side.

Back to the war, Calar POV

"Being in the army is tough, eh?" Kaska mocked me as we trudged through the muddy battlefield. I ignored his taunts, focusing on the mission ahead, and determined to stay strong for my comrades. The sound of gunfire and explosions echoed around us, but I knew that as long as we stuck together, we could make it out alive.

Ever since I enlisted in the army, I had been uneasy about the dangers that awaited me on the battlefield. But in that moment, surrounded by chaos and destruction, I found solace in the camaraderie of my fellow soldiers. Together, we were a force to be reckoned with, ready to face whatever challenges came our way.

"Men, take cover!" Commander Cysian Overseer (TBZ) shouted, and we quickly followed his orders, knowing that our survival depended on our unity and quick thinking. As we hunkered down behind the barricades, I felt a surge of determination to protect my brothers in arms and complete the mission at all costs.

Commander POV

From my vantage point, I could see the enemy forces advancing towards us, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air, but amidst the chaos, I knew that we were prepared to stand our ground and emerge victorious.

"Rangers, take fire immediately!" I barked into my headset, watching as our team sprang into action with precision and skill. As the battle raged on, I felt a sense of pride in our training and camaraderie, knowing that we would not falter in the face of danger.

The enemy forces may have outnumbered us, but our determination and unity would prove to be our greatest strengths in this fight for victory.

Fallen King POV

"You said we were winning right?!" I shouted, my heart pounding with adrenaline as I surveyed the battlefield. Despite the overwhelming odds, I refused to let doubt creep into my mind, knowing that our resilience would be our key to success in this crucial moment. The fallen king's desperate question only fueled my determination to lead our team to triumph.

"They had specialized tech that we weren't prepared for, but we can adapt and overcome,"

Fallen Swordmaster reassured him, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. As long as we stayed focused and worked together, I was confident that we could turn the tide in our favor.

"Send in the Reavers." I sternly commanded, knowing that this bold move would catch our enemies off guard and give us the upper hand in the battle. The sound of marching footsteps and battle cries filled the air as we prepared to launch our counterattack, ready to fight for victory no matter the cost.

Commander POV

With determination in my heart, I knew that we had trained for this moment and that our skills would not fail us now. As the Reavers charged into battle, I could feel the tide shifting in our favor, propelling us closer to victory with each passing moment.

"We might be able to win this, keep pushing until victory is in sight!" I shouted, rallying my troops to continue pushing forward with unwavering resolve. The enemy forces began to falter under our relentless assault, inching us closer to achieving our ultimate goal of triumph on the battlefield.

With our enemy on the brink of defeat, I could see the hope and determination in the eyes of my fellow soldiers, fueling our collective drive to emerge victorious in this crucial battle. Victory was within our grasp, and we would not rest until we had secured it.

"Push them back! Show them no mercy!" I roared, leading the charge with renewed vigor and determination, determined to crush our enemies and emerge victorious on the battlefield. Our unity and unwavering resolve would be the key to securing our triumph in this crucial battle.

Fallen Soldiers POV

"They are too powerful! We need to retreat!" I heard the cries of my comrades as we faced overwhelming odds on the battlefield. Despite the fear and desperation, I knew that we had to stand our ground and fight until the very end. Our sacrifice would not be in vain, as long as we held onto hope and fought with all our might.

"My Fallen comrades have fell asleep in this battle, but the war isn't over yet." I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath and steeling my resolve to continue the fight. The fallen soldiers may have passed on, but their spirit and courage lived on in those of us who remained standing on the battlefield.

We eventually have to surrender to the overwhelming enemy forces, but our defiance and bravery would be remembered in the annals of history. Our sacrifice would inspire future generations to never give up in the face of adversity. 


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