'chokehold of love'✓

284 7 4

Amelia Marlowe

The air was humid, and her body was warm. Two things that did not at all aligned with her bunk bed in cabin seven. An arm was draped over her, and it was a veined arm, that of a man, that of Luke. His ring laid on the bedtable hers beside it. She looked down on herself a saw she was dressed in one of her boyfriends shirts. It was early and the sun was barely shining through the windows, yet she knew she was in cabin 11. Amelia had lived here for a few months, and she had stayed in the Cabin a few times after. It wasnt like Luke could hang out in cabin 7, it was that of another god. Hermes wasn't so serious about that rule though. What exactly had happened last night? They were at the beach, alone. No. No, we didn't. She shifted uncomfortably but was stopped by Luke's body behind her. It's not like I'd be bad, she just wasn't expecting waking up in his bed.

Besides the obvious fact that his siblings would wake up soon. Amelia really needed to leave, or she'd never hear the end of it. She tried shifting out of his arms again but this time he slung them around her waist and nestled his face in her neck. "Why are you even awake, yet?" he mumbled in her ear with deep voice. His morning voice was something she didn't hear often, and she'd genuinely die if she would. The hairs on her neck stood and her heartbeat faster, she was sure he would be laughing if he heard it.

"I- uhm- It's really ear- early," he hummed then continued his way down to the nabe of her neck. "and I am a morning... person." He was cheating by kissing her neck like that. "Luke your siblings-" How was she supposed to concentrate on talking when he practically had his body wrapped around hers and he was being a tease?

"-Are very much asleep and you future Mrs. Castellan, were being very touchy yesterday. Do you not want me to return the favour?" His hand ghosted over her exposed stomach. If he wouldn't stop soon, she would die of a heart attack. Fingers danced along her hip like an animal waiting for the right time to attack its prey.

Using his distraction, she quickly turned to sit up on her knees and keeping his legs confined between her thighs. His hands now found her bare legs, while his eyes were focused on hers. "What did I do yesterday that got you all hot and bothered? Hmm, Mr. Castellan?" Lukes mouth was already parted probably with a flirty tease on his tongue but somebody else was faster.

"Yeah, Luke I wanna know too! What does your Lady do that makes so horny you cant wait until your poor siblings are at breakfast?" Adrien Fitzroy one of Lukes younger siblings leant onto the empty bunk bed next to them.

"Hey, keep your eyes off my girlfriend." He instructed his brother, firmly pulling his blanket up to hide more of her body. "You keep your hands of your girlfriend! I get she's hot but there are children here." Adrien fired back. Amelia somehow had the feeling Luke would have jumped on him for that if he wasn't physically bound to the bed by her.

"Like you care."

"I do actually, when those little hyperactive kids don't get enough sleep, they get crazy, and I have to deal with that the next night." Well, he clearly hadn't met the grumpy Ares kids when they had a bad night sleep, they were terrifying on normal bases but that was nothing worse than them on sleep deprivation.

"Maybe I'll just forget about whatever this is, for the right price of course. How does that sound?" he proposed. Luke groaned pulled open his night drawer and threw two drachmas at him. In moments like this she wished Luke had not given up his right to a own room. But the Hermes Cabin was packed and the removal of the room and brought quite a bit space.

"It's always good to talk business with you." he nodded at Luke then turned to Amelia. For a moment, she thought he'd ask her for payment too. But then this probably was a recurring Hermes kids problem which the siblings had found their own solution for. The kids mouth opened and she knew before he spoke, he should have just left it. She instinctly shook her head trying to get him to stay quiet, her stomach did a turn.

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