'share your anger' ✓

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-Chapter two-

When she arrived at Camp Luke stood there waiting, he always was, waiting for her that is. Had he grown? At the very least Luke had worked out, from how bulked up he was. Damn year-round- camp and all the training that went with it. His normally lean, toned body was more muscular than she'd ever seen it. He must have overdone it, or was it because Clarisse had given him a hard time after the incident? What Clarisse and Luke were fighting about was a mystery to her and neither of them seemed very exited to enlighten her. Honestly, she still didn't really know what the problem had been that day. Whatever it was, breaking Lukes nose over it seemed a bit extreme.

Other people were looking at them, at her bruised cheek or at her boyfriend she didn't know. His eyes scanned her body as if he instinctively knew something was out of place. "New haircut?" he asked a little helpless not sure what to say when he spotted the bruise. Not a talk they wanted to have in public. "Yeah." She mumbled doing a one over on him again. Sometimes she wondered what she had done to even get his attention in the first place. Most of the girls at camp would have jumped at the chance to go on a date with him.

He looked good, with his sun-kissed skin and messy hair. If she had to guess he had only woken up to greet her. Luke had always been one of those persons to sleep through noises, pull a pillow over his head, roll to the other side and continue to sleep. The complete opposite of her. She loved the early hour of the morning, to watch as the sun slowly came up on the horizont. The gentle touch of sun rays felt like a greeting of her father.

She was too tired to explain herself now, to make up some lie. No matter her attempts to heal her wounds. They were still there taunting her, a steady reminder that even in a camp of kids considered weird by most, she stood out. She wanted to hide and never come out again. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

"It's good to see you too, Luce." He was about to apologize when she just hugged him, her bag falling on the ground with a loud thud. Folding her hands behind his neck out of his sight. Coming back to camp had always been difficult especially adjusting to gentle touch and careless talks again. But this she needed now, the comfort and touch of her boyfriend she felt deprived of, and he complied.


Michael was the first of her siblings Amelia came across and he gladly took her in his arms. She lingered in his arms for as long as possible, with his familiar scent in her nose. That of eucalyptus, combined with some kind of cologne whose name she didn't know, but would recognise anywhere. He wasn't that much of a hugger not like the rest of the siblings. Yet one welcome and one goodbye hug was a must-have.

"You are like a teddy, you cuddle with anybody you come across." Luke had joked after they had crossed paths with Lee, Dawn and Keiran who all greeted her with a hug. She arrived at the end of May and yet all of her siblings seemed to have come early.

Upon entering cabin seven she saw the first two bunk beds still unattended. So, her younger brothers Blaze and Castor had not gotten here before her which didn't surprise her. Younger kids tended to stay longer with their mortal parent. The monsters weren't such a treat then, because the Kids rarely knew anything. But once they did, so did the Monsters.

Luke leaned on the doorframe patiently waiting for her to finish putting her things away.

"The cabin smells like eucalyptus." Luke stated frowning. Amelia laughed. Yes, the cabin did smell like eucalyptus she didn't remember a time it had ever smelled like something else. Her eyes wandered to the dark imprint on the light floor right in front of Michael's bed.

"That's Michael's fault you know that cough medicine that makes you smell like eucalyptus days after you took it? Yeah, Michael's Mom gave that to him and he accidentally spilled it and- well as you can smell he never really got rid of it." Amelia smiled now at a happy memory she made with her beloved siblings. Michael himself did not find it funny at all, because the wood in front of his bed was sticky and he actually hated the smell of eucalyptus. Too bad for him because the smell stuck to him.

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