Chapter 11: Fountain Talks

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Liam Periffe:
I have no idea why the behavior of the king left me stunned. I expected him to be like that from the start. He doesn't deserve the title of a king.

Having enough of his behavior, I walked out of the dining hall. I could not stand to be with him for a second. I felt my face starting to heat up. I needed air.

After this morning's little self-tour and an "accidental" Peek, I found myself finding the garden in the backyard. It was well kept and the flowers were fresh with butterflies and bees buzzing around.

Now it was nightime. Everything was quiet except for some crickets chirping and the sound of the gentle water flowing from a big white marble fountain which was kept in the middle of the garden.

There were few lights hanging above some benches and some pretty fairy lights blending in the bushes and flowers. The lights was kind of dimming, but that's fine as it was a full moon night and it gave off just enough brightness.

Even though there were benches, I sat on the fountain as it was more calming to me. I opened some buttons of my white shirt and rolled up my sleeves a bit. I sighed, I think a bit too loud but no one seemed to be here except the guards who were about 20 feet away, gaurding the back door. Other than them, there was no one. Just peace.

Or that's what I thought.

The gate of the garden slowly opened and closed. There, I saw a dark shadowy figure coming towards me. When it stepped into the light, it was whom I expected it to be.

More like whom I wanted it to be. Now, everything was still and it felt like silence took over the air.

The princess walked over to me slowly, wearing a spaghetti strapped white crop top and light blue shorts.

"Hey.. I am really sorry about my father's behavior. He's always like this.. He's very.. Inhumane. Trust me, I'm even ashamed to call him my father. Same goes to my mother. But in time, things will soon change.."

She told me as she walked over to me and she stood beside me. I was looking up at her but she was looking elsewhere.

"No princess.. Don't say that. It's not your fault. You don't have to say anything. Please, sit." I motioned to her.

Sighing, she sat next to me, a bit apart though. "My kingdom's a bit of a mess right now. But things will soon change. I wasn't even going to talk to you or even say anything but after seeing how you reacted to my father's actions, it made me think that you're not actually THAT bad like how I assumed you would."

I let out a small smile and said, "Bad? Why did you assume I was bad?"  "Well, maybe because the last thing you said when we first met was 'shut up' so I thought you were one of those annoying people with all sorts of bad characters. Like my father."

Oh heavens. I would rather die than to be like her father. I laughed a bit and replied with a smile, "Seriously princess? You're still hung up on that? Well. I'm sorry."

She chuckled which took me off guard because that was kind of cute. She had a pretty smile too. She still wasn't looking at me.

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"It's fine Liam. You don't need to apologize." She said with a smile as she took the right part of her hair and let it join the left part of her. Her hair was now all in one side and the right part of her neck open.

In all honesty, she was really good looking and the moon light shining on her smooth skin made it look like she was in a beautiful painting. I couldn't take my eyes off of her anymore but I don't think she is noticing anything.

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