Chapter 19: A Lead

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                    Thursday, 21/7/2021

I woke up to the sound of Bliss's phone ringing. Opening my eyes, I looked around my surroundings then stretched. Harriet was still dead asleep, snoring like a piglet. Seconds passed but the annoying ringing sound was still not going off.

I woke up very lazily, my hair all tangled and messed up. I bet I look like king Charles if he was a zombie. Checking my phone, it was 4:30 am. I scanned the bed but Bliss was no where to be found. Just then the ringing went off.

"Bliss?" Silence. "Bliss?... Bliss!!" Silence, yet again. I took a took breath. "BLIIIIIIIIIISS!!!" Still not answer. Now I was actually starting to worry and made me wide awake. I was on alert mode right now and if I see any movement in my room........... I'd jump down from the balcony. Joking.

"Yes! Yes I'm here! I'm okay." Bliss responded, walking out of the bathroom. Suspicious. "Girl what. You scared me for a second. Everything for real alright though?"    "Yes Erica. I just had to use the toilet for like the 4th time today. Ugh my stomach is so weak." She shrugged.

"I'll ask the maids to get you some medicines." I said. "No worries. I brought mine. My stomach has been so bad these days. Probably cause of all the junk I'm eating HAHA."   "Oh. Alright then! You do you. If it worsens though you gotta see a doctor okay?"   "Will do sweetheart, don't worry." She smiled.

We got back into the bed and she checked her phone. "Oh." She sounded a bit surprised. "Zach called me." Bliss continued. "At this hour? Is it normal for him to call like.. At 4 am?" I joked. "No. Not really..... Oh. My. Gosh. Owen!" With that being said, she quickly called him back.

"Zach! What's wrong? Is it Owen? Is he okay? Please tell me you guys didn't scare hi-"   "Hey hey Bliss, calm down. Owen is doing really well and is currently asleep right now. FYI, he laughed very heartily last night. It was lit." Zach cut off Bliss and I could hear everything since she put the call on speaker.

A look of relief washed over Bliss's face. I love how much she cares and loves her brother. Very admirable. "Oh that's nice! I'm really happy. Thanks for taking care of him Zach." She giggled at the end of her sentence and damn I was 3rd wheeling.

"Uh... So why'd you call at this hour?" She asked Zach. "Oh, uh, yes. I'm sorry. Um...Ahh yes." There was a small gap until he spoke again. He was nervous. Bliss made him nervous. "I got us a lead. Remember Owen's kidnapper? The guy who we think is from the Weeping Yaks?"  She remained quiet for a while.

"How could I forget?."   "Mm. Well, I couldn't really get some sleep so I spend the time searching up more on him and his gang. I found out that the picture you showed us the last time is actually him. I found out his main base and his address too."

I was very satisfied. And so was Bliss. Zach continued, "And apparently, he's a security in the main base. Mostly goes to work on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. Bad thing is that if he is at the main base, it'll be hard for us to stalk him as the security would be heavy.

Good thing is that he isn't really close to the gang leader and so we can get near him easily without going into a warzone. Oh and last thing, the gang leader, Tony Whitefield isn't very active these days and lets his right hand man do the works so, it'll be easy." Bliss had a mixture of surprised and proud look on her face.

"Wow. Where'd you get all these information from?" She asked. "Eh.. I just have my sources and well. I'm a computer geek." He chuckled. "Thank you so much Zach. I owe you lots."   "It's not problem Bliss. I'd do it anytime." Okay. I am definitely looking toward their wedding.

Bliss forgot that me and Harriet were like a feet away  from her for a second. Even though Harriet was still dead asleep. Even after I screamed really loud. I wish I could sleep like her. I need proper rest. I look sleep deprived.

Giving the "eye" At Bliss, I just went back to laying down and checking my phone. After they hanged up, I quickly sat up. "Anything I need to know miss??" I asked Bliss in a suspicious tone. She just laughed.

"Uh well.. We may have something." She let out slight laughs in between her sentence. I needed to know everything. "You HAVE to tell us later Bliss. That's a threat." I put on my serious tone. She raised her hands as a sign of defeat and went back to sleep.

Whenever we talk about or do things, I try my best to never do it without the three of us. It was 3 Or nothing. Not even 2. I do my best to remember and not mess things up. Especially in a trio

Because I knew how it felt to be left out.

Anywho, it was quite impressing of Zach to find out that much information alone in just a few hours. Which reminds me, me and Harriet need to teach Bliss some defence skills, we need to go shopping too. Well, not me because I can't go out much in public, we need to inform about this to everyone and also work out our plan.

My gosh, so many things to do. But wait. Shoot. I had to meet Liam tonight. Ooof. Oh well I must prepare. I wasn't working out today since it was rest day and I seriously needed proper sleep.

Before I slept off though, I sent a text to our group chat. "Emergency meeting today. You guys pick the timing." And I pressed sent. I then slowly let my mind rest.


"Oh my gosh. You guys are such lazy asses. WAKE UP!!!" Harriet screamed at us. Bliss and I looked at each other knowing damn well who was the real lazy ass. "Ironic coming from you miss girl." I said.

She teasingly flipped her hair. "Anyway. I heard there's gonna be an emergency meeting."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2024 ⏰

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