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Since last two years, Nick has been living a very decent and hard working life. Now he works as the head manager in one of the most renowned film companies of Thailand, GMM movies, in Ratchaburi. To reach this position, he had worked day and night. From an animation assistant to a manager, his journey had been very exhausting. Now he is popular as the best employee in his office. He has permanently shifted to Ratchaburi; however he sometimes goes to Bangkok to see his father and his best friend, Sand, who now runs a music café with his husband, Ray.

But behind his shining life, he is just a broken human with past trauma. After breaking up with Boston, he'd decided to love himself only. Since then, he'd never been able to trust anyone again. He doesn't believe in love anymore. He hates being close to people and always spends time alone. Also, he has become so arrogant and badass in the process of self-love. He never involves in relationships, even it's a casual one. And one night stand is a strictly no. He knows how to take a stand for himself when someone tries to hurt his pride. He only does what he likes and what he wants without caring about others. He is so reserved that nobody among his colleagues knows him more than his professional life except, Dan, his senior, also the HR of the company. Nick is completely a different person now. That's how he ended up focusing on his career more and more which made him such a successful workman. Somehow he's so satisfied with his decision of moving on from the guy who never cared about his feelings. It feels so happy and refreshing to live a simple and non-complicated life.

Recently, he's working on a big project regarding a new animated movie which is to be released globally. The CEO wants to conduct a vast photo-shoot of the posters to promote their film; but their regular photographer just denied the job because of some personal issues. Being the best employee of the year, it is Nick's responsibility to look into this matter. He starts searching new photographers on a short notice but unfortunately he can't; because the CEO requires someone highly talented. Nick is stressed about this matter when suddenly he gets a call from the CEO himself that he has found a great photographer for their movie. Nick feels so relieved after hearing it. Next day, he reaches office where he finds out that the new guy being hired as their photographer is none other than his ex-lover, Boston.

Will Nick be able to face the man who ruined his life two years ago?

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