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He hurried out of his apartment grabbing some documents in one hand and his phone in the other. He looked for his car in the parking when his phone rang. 

"Hello, Phi! Yes, yes... I'm on my way already. Don't worry! I'll be there in ten minutes," he spoke on the call. It was Phi Jin, the CEO. He had called Nick to make sure he was coming to office as their new employee was waiting for him. Nick lived not very far from his workplace as a reason he could reach in time everyday. He hung up the call and barged into the car and drove.

Nick stopped the car at the entrance gate; taking out his stuff, he got out of the car and handed the keys to the watchman. Hurriedly, he ran to the elevator as he never liked making someone wait. Of course, Nick knew the pain of waiting. 

While standing in the elevator, he took a look at the papers in his hand to check if he was carrying all the documents correctly. He stepped out after getting on sixth floor; his eyes still located on the papers. He was walking towards the CEO's cabin when suddenly he collided on a tall figure that appeared right in front of him.

"Ahhh!........", Nick screamed out. He raised his head to see the face of that tall person, "Phi Dan!!!!! You scared me!"

"I scared you?? You're not looking ahead and not even walking properly!" the tall guy with a bright face said in a soft tone.

"Ohh yes! I'm so sorry. Actually, I was focused on these documents so much that I didn't see you coming....."

"What is that? You look so determined to it..." Dan asked and peeped into the papers. 

"These are the details and photo copies of our running project. I need to explain this to the new employee that Phi Jin has hired!" Nick replied plainly. 

"Oiiii! Yes...yes... that photographer guy.... he's waiting for you in Jin's cabin...." 

"I know! That's why I hurried here," Nick raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to Dan, "We have to treat this new boy very well as we can't afford to lose him, phi!"

"Of course, it's really hard to find a photographer who can fulfill our CEO's all requirements! For real..... Khun Jin is so demanding!!!" Dan said agreeing to his statement. 

"I don't understand where he found this guy!!!!" Nick blabbered.

"I heard he was working in US..... and also that he's so talented and good looking!" Dan made a remark. 

"Really, phi?? He worked in US?" Nick spoke out astonishingly, "Then why did he agree to work with us leaving his good job there?"

"Don't know.... maybe he knows someone in our office! But why do we care? We should be happy that our problem is solved. Now, you can focus on the project peacefully!!!" 

Nick nodded his head joyfully. He was relieved that they could find a replacement for Jade, their old photographer. Jade was so talented and knew every detail of the upcoming project. But he had to withdraw from it as he was resigning temporarily to spend time with his wife in her pregnancy. It was really tough to find someone like him. They wouldn't take any risk because the project really mattered for their company. 

"Umm I think if Phi Jin has appointed him, he must be really talented. We can trust him!!" Nick claimed, "Come, let's meet him!!" He caught Dan's hand and insisted to follow him to the cabin. 

"! I got other work to do. You can go!!" Dan said and patted Nick's head. 

"Okay then!" concluded Nick and rushed to Jin's cabin to the left. 

He pushed the door and barged in. Jin was sitting on the other side of the table. In front of him, a guy with black jacket was resting on the chair. Nick could only see his back. 'It must be him! The new photographer!!!' Nick thought to himself. 

"Ai Nick! You're here!!!" Jin lifted his head and screamed when he saw Nick at the door. 

"Yes phi! Good morning!!" Nick greeted with a  smile. 

"Come! come! Meet your new colleague. He's temporary though!" Jin continued. 

Nick sneaked in and closed the door behind him. He moved closer to the table when the guy with the black jacket stood up in a jerk. He turned back to see Nick...... Now, Nick could see his face clearly. 

Damn it! The papers fell down from his hand. He was stunned! His face turned pale and shocked. The man standing in front of him was none other than Boston!!!!!!! The man whom he'd left two years ago! Whom he never wished to meet again! Who had ruined his life! That Boston!

Nick couldn't utter a single word for a while. He didn't know how to react. 'Wait! Hold on, Nick! How can you be so weak? How can you zone out seeing this man? He doesn't deserve to be in your thoughts. You have already moved on and doesn't give a fuck about him! Yes! This is the day you've been training yourself for years. You've to be calm and control your emotions. Just face him!' Thoughts lingered in this mind. He took a deep breath and moved forward with a calm face. 

"This is Mr. Boston! He's graduated from US university. I saw his works; he's so well trained. I think he's the perfect person for this job," Jin bawled pointing towards him. 

"Ohh really?" Nick exclaimed giving a smirk, he glared at Boston's face again plainly. Boston looked at him with delightful eyes grinning widely. 

Nick smiled back and joined both his hands, "Sawaddee Khrub, Khun Boston!"


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